Results for British Middle Champs 2013, Stanton Moor, 21/04/2013

14.30 Sunday provisional results uploaded. Links to Winsplits, Splitsbrowser, fastest splits, and colour coded esults added 16:50.

Badge times
Results select class results or course splits
Colour Coded course results
Fastest splits by course or by class
Winsplits Online.
RouteGadget for courses 3-13 & yellow & orange and for courses 1 & 2
Downloadable file for splits in SPORTIdent CSV format by class, by course. Suitable for import into WinSplits, RouteGadget, ...

Class Results
M10 W10
M12 W12
M14 W14
M16 W16
M18E M18 W18E W18
M20E M20 W20E W20
M21E M21 W21E W21
M35 W35
M40 W40
M45 W45
M50 W50
M55 W55
M60 W60
M65 W65
M70 W70
M75 W75
M80 W80
M85 W85

Course splits
Course 1 M18 M20 M21
Course 2 W18 W20 W21
Course 3 M35 M40
Course 4 M45 M50
Course 5 M16 M60
Course 6 M55 W35 W40
Course 7 M65 M70 W16
Course 8 W45 W50
Course 9 M75 M80 M85 W55 W60 W65
Course 10 W70 W75 W80 W85
Course 11 M14 W14
Course 12 M12 W12
Course 13 M10 W10

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