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Results for Relay H: W50
Length 10.7km, 225m climb, 39 controls over 3 laps

Pos Time     Bib  Club   Team                       Lap 1        Lap 2        Lap 3        Courses
1   105:06   551  SLOW   Be-Bop-a-SLOW-la           35:18 (1)    37:22 (1)    32:26 (1)    eCC,eAA,eBB
                         Sarah Brown, Christine Robinson, Diane Leakey
2   112:10   548  LOC    LOC Catstycam              35:35 (2)    37:32 (2)    39:03 (2)    eCA,eAB,eBC
                         Jackie Chapman, Judy Burge, Beryl Offley
3   114:40   544  EBOR   EBOReek                    41:09 (7)    36:03 (3)    37:28 (3)    eBB,eCC,eAA
                         Janet Leake, Jill Smith, Karen Clark
4   125:49   545  GO     GOldilocks                 35:43 (3)    43:53 (4)    46:13 (4)    eCC,eAA,eBB
                         Linda Pakuls, Jenny Nicholls, Christine Kiddier
5   127:11   553  WCOC   WCOC 3                     40:24 (6)    43:33 (7)    43:14 (5)    eBC,eCA,eAB
                         Penny Bibby, Annette Milburn, Debbie Watson
6   127:50   552  SO     SO Smooth                  38:19 (4)    42:36 (5)    46:55 (6)    eAB,eBC,eCA
                         Carol House, Christine Jepson, Sue Pearson
7   133:18   547  HOC    HOCceptional               39:00 (5)    41:59 (6)    52:19 (7)    eBC,eCA,eAB
                         Judith Evans, Lesley Brown, Lynden Hartmann
8   139:52   543  DEE    DEEcaffinated              45:20 (10)   50:01 (8)    44:31 (8)    eAA,eBB,eCC
                         Clare Crocker, Jean Payne, Pauline Smithard
9   146:39   549  OD     ODetojoy                   43:49 (8)    52:11 (9)    50:39 (9)    eAA,eBB,eCC
                         Elizabeth Furness, Sue Bicknell, Greta Greenall
10  161:04   550  SARUM  Still Youthful SARUM       44:30 (9)    59:24 (10)   57:10 (10)   eBB,eCC,eAA
                         Shirley Robinson, Heather Haskins, Denise Mullins
11  164:16   546  HH     HH Eland                   50:13 (11)   60:53 (12)   53:10 (11)   eAB,eBC,eCA
                         Frances Goldingay, Penny Parkes, Jane Breed
12  189:28   554  NGOC   NGOC W50                   50:57 (12)   57:16 (11)   81:15 (12)   eCA,eAB,eBC
                         Judy Nesbit, Rosalind Taunton, Gillian James

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