Return to relay index. Goto relay C Men's Short, F W40, K M18, or course DAAA, DABC, DBBB, DBCA, DCAB

Results for Course dCCC
Length 4.4km, 55m climb, 13 controls

Pos  Name                        Club Relay Bib-Lap   Time    1[83]        2[195]       3[228]       4[194]       5[190]       6[197]       7[47]        8[240]       9[79]       10[193]      11[35]       12[192]      13[187]      Finish
1    Thomas Fellbaum             MDOC   K    361-3   23:04    3:01(2)      6:06(2)      7:40(2)      8:16(2)      9:17(2)      9:57(2)     11:38(2)     14:48(2)     17:06(2)     19:48(2)     20:57(1)     22:04(1)     22:30(1)     23:04(1)   
     MDOC Boys??                                              3:01(2)      3:05(6=)     1:34(2)      0:36(2)      1:01(1=)     0:40(2)      1:41(2)      3:10(1)      2:18(2=)     2:42(1)      1:09(1)      1:07(1)      0:26(1=)     0:34(1)   

2    James Taylor                 NOC   K    362-2   23:45    2:54(1)      5:37(1)      7:04(1)      7:55(1)      8:56(1)      9:35(1)     11:12(1)     14:30(1)     16:54(1)     19:43(1)     21:28(2)     22:37(2)     23:03(2)     23:45(2)   
     NOC Premier League                                       2:54(1)      2:43(1)      1:27(1)      0:51(24)     1:01(1=)     0:39(1)      1:37(1)      3:18(2)      2:24(5)      2:49(2)      1:45(26)     1:09(2)      0:26(1=)     0:42(10)  

3    Robin Tett                   SYO   K    369-1   25:19    3:22(3)      6:28(4)      8:20(5)      8:59(4)     10:04(4)     10:47(4)     12:38(4)     16:14(4)     18:32(4)     21:32(3)     22:43(3)     23:58(3)     24:25(3)     25:19(3)   
     SYO10                                                    3:22(3)      3:06(8)      1:52(8)      0:39(3=)     1:05(7=)     0:43(7=)     1:51(9=)     3:36(5)      2:18(2=)     3:00(3=)     1:11(3)      1:15(3=)     0:27(3=)     0:54(22)  

4    Kostya Lutsenko             CHIG   C    303-1   25:30    3:29(5)      6:29(5)      8:15(3)      8:54(3)     10:00(3)     10:46(3)     12:35(3)     16:07(3)     18:28(3)     21:43(4)     22:53(4)     24:08(4)     24:38(4)     25:30(4)   
     CHIGs Will Fly                                           3:29(5)      3:00(4)      1:46(4=)     0:39(3=)     1:06(9=)     0:46(10=)    1:49(7=)     3:32(4)      2:21(4)      3:15(8)      1:10(2)      1:15(3=)     0:30(12=)    0:52(20=) 

5    Craig Thomson                FVO   K    357-1   27:29    3:26(4)      6:18(3)      8:16(4)      9:15(5)     10:20(6)     11:55(7)     13:44(7)     17:30(7)     20:35(7)     23:40(6)     24:55(5)     26:17(5)     26:46(5)     27:29(5)   
     FVO Fairies                                              3:26(4)      2:52(3)      1:58(12=)    0:59(29)     1:05(7=)     1:35(41)     1:49(7=)     3:46(8)      3:05(22=)    3:05(5)      1:15(4)      1:22(8=)     0:29(9=)     0:43(11)  

6    Matthew Grant                 SN   C    327-1   28:47    4:23(17)     7:24(10)     9:21(8=)    10:05(8=)    11:15(9)     11:59(8=)    14:15(9)     18:25(8)     21:05(8)     24:26(7)     25:46(6)     27:12(6)     27:44(6)     28:47(6)   
     SN-O-Men                                                 4:23(17)     3:01(5)      1:57(11)     0:44(8=)     1:10(13=)    0:44(9)      2:16(25=)    4:10(14)     2:40(10)     3:21(10)     1:20(8)      1:26(11=)    0:32(20=)    1:03(33)  

7    Jonathan Rhys                HOC   C    319-3   28:50    4:16(14)     7:06(8)      8:41(7)      9:16(6)     10:19(5)     11:00(5)     12:45(5)     16:45(6)     18:59(5)     25:04(8=)    26:22(7=)    27:46(8)     28:13(8)     28:50(7)   
     HOCtane                                                  4:16(14)     2:50(2)      1:35(3)      0:35(1)      1:03(4=)     0:41(3=)     1:45(4=)     4:00(11)     2:14(1)      6:05(39)     1:18(5=)     1:24(10)     0:27(3=)     0:37(4)   

8    Scott Collier              KERNO   C    320-2   28:57    3:36(6)      6:41(6)      8:37(6)      9:24(7)     10:35(7)     11:16(6)     12:59(6)     16:20(5)     19:02(6)     23:19(5)     26:22(7=)    27:40(7)     28:10(7)     28:57(8)   
     KERNOverandabove                                         3:36(6)      3:05(6=)     1:56(10)     0:47(15=)    1:11(16=)    0:41(3=)     1:43(3)      3:21(3)      2:42(11)     4:17(26)     3:03(38)     1:18(6)      0:30(12=)    0:47(13=) 

9    Paul Whiston                SLOW   C    325-3   29:14    4:00(10)     8:07(16)    11:03(17)    11:42(16)    12:52(16)    13:38(16)    15:29(13)    19:10(9=)    21:53(9)     25:04(8=)    26:43(9)     28:09(9)     28:38(9)     29:14(9)   
     Bitter SLOW Symphony                                     4:00(10)     4:07(25)     2:56(24=)    0:39(3=)     1:10(13=)    0:46(10=)    1:51(9=)     3:41(7)      2:43(12)     3:11(6=)     1:39(18=)    1:26(11=)    0:29(9=)     0:36(2=)  

10=  Matthew Penellum           BARRO   K    351-1   29:27    6:24(33)     9:44(23)    11:31(20)    12:10(18)    13:11(17)    13:57(17)    15:42(17)    19:22(13)    21:58(10)    25:30(11)    26:49(10)    28:18(10)    28:47(10)    29:27(10=) 
     BARROboys                                                6:24(33)     3:20(10)     1:47(6)      0:39(3=)     1:01(1=)     0:46(10=)    1:45(4=)     3:40(6)      2:36(8)      3:32(11)     1:19(7)      1:29(14=)    0:29(9=)     0:40(7)   

10=  Robert Jones                SLOW   K    367-3   29:27    3:55(8=)     7:27(11)     9:21(8=)    10:05(8=)    11:11(8)     11:59(8=)    13:50(8)     19:11(11)    22:11(12)    25:22(10)    26:54(11)    28:24(11)    28:51(11)    29:27(10=) 
     SLOW-E                                                   3:55(8=)     3:32(14)     1:54(9)      0:44(8=)     1:06(9=)     0:48(14=)    1:51(9=)     5:21(28=)    3:00(19=)    3:11(6=)     1:32(13)     1:30(17=)    0:27(3=)     0:36(2=)  

12   Gary Walford                TVOC   C    332-2   29:52    3:55(8=)     7:21(9)     12:13(24)    12:53(23)    14:00(23)    14:43(23)    16:31(23)    20:27(20)    22:52(17)    25:52(13)    27:15(13)    28:32(12)    29:03(12)    29:52(12)  
     TVOC 8                                                   3:55(8=)     3:26(13)     4:52(41)     0:40(7)      1:07(11)     0:43(7=)     1:48(6)      3:56(9)      2:25(6)      3:00(3=)     1:23(10)     1:17(5)      0:31(16=)    0:49(16=) 

13   Niall Reynolds              SBOC   C    339-1   30:03    3:42(7)      7:01(7)     10:31(15)    11:15(14)    12:24(13)    13:12(12)    15:06(11)    19:10(9=)    22:00(11)    25:45(12)    27:07(12)    28:37(13)    29:08(13)    30:03(13)  
     TrainSBOCing                                             3:42(7)      3:19(9)      3:30(32)     0:44(8=)     1:09(12)     0:48(14=)    1:54(13)     4:04(12)     2:50(13)     3:45(17=)    1:22(9)      1:30(17=)    0:31(16=)    0:55(23=) 

14   Tom Staunton                 WIM   C    337-3   30:23    5:16(22)     8:37(20=)   11:26(18=)   12:24(20)    13:28(20)    14:09(19)    16:01(18)    20:10(18)    22:45(15)    26:20(15)    27:48(14)    29:15(14)    29:42(14)    30:23(14)  
     WIM Bluebirds                                            5:16(22)     3:21(11)     2:49(21)     0:58(27=)    1:04(6)      0:41(3=)     1:52(12)     4:09(13)     2:35(7)      3:35(13)     1:28(12)     1:27(13)     0:27(3=)     0:41(8=)  

15   Martyn Roome                SROC   C    331-3   30:51    4:21(16)     8:00(15)     9:46(10)    10:30(10)    11:46(10)    12:36(10)    15:33(14=)   19:30(14)    22:22(14)    26:18(14)    27:59(15)    29:30(15)    30:00(15)    30:51(15)  
     SROC Hard                                                4:21(16)     3:39(17)     1:46(4=)     0:44(8=)     1:16(20=)    0:50(18=)    2:57(38=)    3:57(10)     2:52(14)     3:56(21)     1:41(23=)    1:31(20)     0:30(12=)    0:51(19)  

16   John Ockenden               SROC   K    368-2   30:57    4:11(12=)    7:35(12)    10:30(14)    11:30(15)    12:33(15)    13:25(15)    15:36(16)    19:55(16)    22:53(18)    26:46(17)    28:26(18=)   29:48(16)    30:16(16)    30:57(16)  
     SROC and roll                                            4:11(12=)    3:24(12)     2:55(23)     1:00(30=)    1:03(4=)     0:52(20=)    2:11(22)     4:19(18)     2:58(18)     3:53(20)     1:40(20=)    1:22(8=)     0:28(7=)     0:41(8=)  

17   Vicky Thornton              MDOC   F    213-1   31:21    4:33(19)     8:21(19)    10:19(13)    11:07(13)    12:23(12)    13:15(13)    15:22(12)    19:48(15)    22:48(16)    26:31(16)    28:05(16)    29:49(17)    30:25(17=)   31:21(17)  
     MDOC 3Ws                                                 4:33(19)     3:48(21)     1:58(12=)    0:48(19=)    1:16(20=)    0:52(20=)    2:07(19)     4:26(19)     3:00(19=)    3:43(15)     1:34(14)     1:44(25)     0:36(26=)    0:56(27=) 

18   David Bennett                DVO   C    309-1   31:22    4:18(15)     9:50(24)    11:39(21=)   12:26(22)    13:39(22)    14:25(21=)   16:25(22)    20:42(21)    23:20(20)    26:54(20)    28:21(17)    29:50(18)    30:25(17=)   31:22(18)  
     Seven Seas of Rye                                        4:18(15)     5:32(38)     1:49(7)      0:47(15=)    1:13(19)     0:46(10=)    2:00(15)     4:17(16=)    2:38(9)      3:34(12)     1:27(11)     1:29(14=)    0:35(24=)    0:57(29)  

19   Alan Nesbit                 NGOC   C    321-1   31:24    4:11(12=)    7:47(13)    11:00(16)    11:50(17)    13:19(18)    14:01(18)    16:09(19)    20:26(19)    24:00(22)    27:19(21)    28:37(21)    30:06(20)    30:36(19)    31:24(19)  
     NGOC short                                               4:11(12=)    3:36(16)     3:13(28)     0:50(22=)    1:29(32)     0:42(6)      2:08(20=)    4:17(16=)    3:34(26)     3:19(9)      1:18(5=)     1:29(14=)    0:30(12=)    0:48(15)  

20   Mark Thomson                 FVO   C    313-3   31:28    4:01(11)     7:57(14)     9:55(11)    10:42(11)    12:00(11)    12:55(11)    15:03(10)    19:19(12)    22:13(13)    26:51(19)    28:30(20)    30:03(19)    30:38(20)    31:28(20)  
     FVO Prudence Pays                                        4:01(11)     3:56(24)     1:58(12=)    0:47(15=)    1:18(24=)    0:55(27)     2:08(20=)    4:16(15)     2:54(15=)    4:38(31=)    1:39(18=)    1:33(21)     0:35(24=)    0:50(18)  

21   Wendy Billing                SYO   F    219-1   32:04    4:27(18)     8:18(17)    10:18(12)    11:06(12)    12:25(14)    13:19(14)    15:33(14=)   20:01(17)    23:05(19)    26:50(18)    28:26(18=)   30:11(21)    30:52(21)    32:04(21)  
     SYO6                                                     4:27(18)     3:51(22)     2:00(15)     0:48(19=)    1:19(26)     0:54(25=)    2:14(23)     4:28(21)     3:04(21)     3:45(17=)    1:36(16)     1:45(26=)    0:41(34=)    1:12(38)  

22   John Worth                  TVOC   C    333-1   32:27    4:45(20=)    8:20(18)    11:26(18=)   12:12(19)    13:23(19)    14:11(20)    16:16(20)    20:48(22)    23:45(21)    27:29(22)    29:10(22)    30:56(22)    31:32(22)    32:27(22)  
     TVOC 9                                                   4:45(20=)    3:35(15)     3:06(26)     0:46(13=)    1:11(16=)    0:48(14=)    2:05(18)     4:32(22=)    2:57(17)     3:44(16)     1:41(23=)    1:46(28)     0:36(26=)    0:55(23=) 

23   Paul Watson                 RAFO   C    338-2   33:49    5:48(26=)    9:31(22)    11:39(21=)   12:25(21)    13:35(21)    14:25(21=)   16:24(21)    20:51(23)    24:14(23)    27:52(23)    31:01(24)    32:31(24)    33:02(23=)   33:49(23)  
     Run And Fall Over                                        5:48(26=)    3:43(18=)    2:08(16)     0:46(13=)    1:10(13=)    0:50(18=)    1:59(14)     4:27(20)     3:23(24)     3:38(14)     3:09(39)     1:30(17=)    0:31(16=)    0:47(13=) 

24   Tom Murphy                  BAOC   C    301-3   33:51    6:10(32)     9:57(27)    12:10(23)    12:57(24)    14:15(24)    15:08(24)    17:23(24)    21:55(24)    25:00(24)    28:59(24)    30:39(23)    32:24(23)    33:02(23=)   33:51(24)  
     BAOC MenShort1                                           6:10(32)     3:47(20)     2:13(17)     0:47(15=)    1:18(24=)    0:53(22=)    2:15(24)     4:32(22=)    3:05(22=)    3:59(22)     1:40(20=)    1:45(26=)    0:38(28=)    0:49(16=) 

25   Lorna Eades                  INT   F    211-3   34:54    4:45(20=)    8:37(20=)   12:50(27)    13:39(26)    15:01(26)    15:55(26)    18:14(26)    23:38(27)    26:32(25)    30:19(25)    31:54(25)    33:28(25)    34:02(25)    34:54(25)  
     INT Ladies                                               4:45(20=)    3:52(23)     4:13(39=)    0:49(21)     1:22(29=)    0:54(25=)    2:19(27)     5:24(30)     2:54(15=)    3:47(19)     1:35(15)     1:34(22)     0:34(23)     0:52(20=) 

26   Lindsey King                AIRE   F    201-1   36:32    5:41(25)     9:53(25)    12:19(26)    13:43(27)    15:03(27)    16:16(27)    18:40(27)    23:57(28)    27:21(26=)   31:39(26)    33:19(26)    34:54(26)    35:33(26)    36:32(26)  
     AIREobatics                                              5:41(25)     4:12(26=)    2:26(20)     1:24(38)     1:20(27)     1:13(39)     2:24(28)     5:17(27)     3:24(25)     4:18(27)     1:40(20=)    1:35(23)     0:39(30=)    0:59(30)  

27   Will Fordyce               DEVON   K    355-3   38:17    7:37(39)    11:20(35)    13:35(29)    14:48(29)    15:59(28)    16:52(28)    18:54(28)    23:34(25)    29:28(30)    33:36(29)    35:14(28)    37:07(28)    37:38(28)    38:17(27)  
     Devon Jets                                               7:37(39)     3:43(18=)    2:15(18)     1:13(35)     1:11(16=)    0:53(22=)    2:02(16)     4:40(24)     5:54(40)     4:08(25)     1:38(17)     1:53(30=)    0:31(16=)    0:39(5=)  

28   Colin Holcombe              BAOC   C    302-2   38:27    6:54(37)    11:06(34)    14:21(33)    15:14(31)    16:37(31)    17:37(31)    19:53(29)    24:55(29)    29:03(29)    33:08(28)    35:01(27)    36:54(27)    37:26(27)    38:27(28)  
     BAOC Men Short2                                          6:54(37)     4:12(26=)    3:15(30)     0:53(25)     1:23(31)     1:00(31)     2:16(25=)    5:02(25)     4:08(33)     4:05(24)     1:53(27)     1:53(30=)    0:32(20=)    1:01(31=) 

29   John Wilson                 SLOW   C    326-2   38:57    6:29(34)    10:55(33)    14:09(30)    14:53(30)    16:09(29)    17:06(29)    20:03(30)    25:11(30)    28:57(28)    33:48(30)    35:43(30)    37:22(29)    38:02(29)    38:57(29)  
     SLOWie SLOWie                                            6:29(34)     4:26(28)     3:14(29)     0:44(8=)     1:16(20=)    0:57(28)     2:57(38=)    5:08(26)     3:46(28)     4:51(34)     1:55(28)     1:39(24)     0:40(32=)    0:55(23=) 

30   Philip Craven               DFOK   C    308-2   39:07    5:23(23)     9:56(26)    12:18(25)    13:08(25)    14:30(25)    15:28(25)    17:59(25)    23:36(26)    27:21(26=)   32:50(27)    35:20(29)    37:26(30)    38:06(30)    39:07(30)  
     DFOK Flyers                                              5:23(23)     4:33(31)     2:22(19)     0:50(22=)    1:22(29=)    0:58(29=)    2:31(30)     5:37(31)     3:45(27)     5:29(37)     2:30(35)     2:06(33)     0:40(32=)    1:01(31=) 

31   Mary Ockenden               SROC   F    218-2   41:15    5:55(30)    10:30(30)    13:23(28)    14:41(28)    16:14(30)    17:25(30)    20:10(31)    26:36(31)    30:24(31)    34:54(31)    37:09(31)    39:32(31)    40:10(31)    41:15(31)  
     SROC Round the clock                                     5:55(30)     4:35(32=)    2:53(22)     1:18(36=)    1:33(33)     1:11(36=)    2:45(34)     6:26(33)     3:48(29)     4:30(29)     2:15(32)     2:23(38)     0:38(28=)    1:05(34)  

32   Charlotte Ward              HALO   C    314-2   42:15    7:50(40)    12:25(38)    15:33(38)    16:51(38)    18:07(38)    18:56(36)    20:59(34)    28:41(36)    32:33(35)    36:55(34)    39:07(34)    40:58(34)    41:30(34)    42:15(32)  
     HALOites                                                 7:50(40)     4:35(32=)    3:08(27)     1:18(36=)    1:16(20=)    0:49(17)     2:03(17)     7:42(38)     3:52(31)     4:22(28)     2:12(30=)    1:51(29)     0:32(20=)    0:45(12)  

33   Sue Russell                  DVO   F    207-1   42:41    6:03(31)    10:32(32)    14:18(32)    15:27(33)    17:09(33)    18:21(33)    21:00(35)    27:33(33)    31:44(33)    36:22(33)    38:29(33)    40:43(32)    41:26(32)    42:41(33)  
     Killer Queens DVO                                        6:03(31)     4:29(30)     3:46(35)     1:09(34)     1:42(37)     1:12(38)     2:39(32)     6:33(35)     4:11(34=)    4:38(31=)    2:07(29)     2:14(34=)    0:43(36=)    1:15(39)  

34   Val Johnson                  DVO   F    206-2   42:44    5:48(26=)   10:31(31)    14:43(35)    15:37(35)    17:14(34)    18:24(35)    21:14(36)    26:54(32)    30:43(32)    35:32(32)    38:00(32)    40:48(33)    41:27(33)    42:44(34)  
     Fat Bottom Girls                                         5:48(26=)    4:43(35)     4:12(38)     0:54(26)     1:37(35=)    1:10(34=)    2:50(35)     5:40(32)     3:49(30)     4:49(33)     2:28(34)     2:48(41)     0:39(30=)    1:17(40)  

35   Diana McClure                LOC   F    212-2   44:27    6:49(35)    12:08(37)    15:04(36)    16:10(36)    17:55(37)    19:06(38)    22:00(38)    28:28(35)    32:49(36)    37:46(36)    40:08(36)    42:22(36)    43:05(36)    44:27(36)  
     LOC Dollywaggon                                          6:49(35)     5:19(37)     2:56(24=)    1:06(33)     1:45(39)     1:11(36=)    2:54(37)     6:28(34)     4:21(37)     4:57(35)     2:22(33)     2:14(34=)    0:43(36=)    1:22(41)  

36   Susan Crickmore               SO   F    217-3   46:59    6:50(36)    11:47(36)    15:18(37)    16:16(37)    17:52(36)    19:02(37)    21:55(37)    29:18(37)    33:29(37)    40:01(38)    42:50(37)    45:09(37)    45:50(37)    46:59(37)  
     SO Bossy                                                 6:50(36)     4:57(36)     3:31(33)     0:58(27=)    1:36(34)     1:10(34=)    2:53(36)     7:23(37)     4:11(34=)    6:32(40)     2:49(36)     2:19(36=)    0:41(34=)    1:09(37)  

37   Matthew Wetton               NOC   K    363-1   47:11    5:52(29)    10:19(29)    14:16(31)    15:16(32)    16:53(32)    17:46(32)    20:12(32)    30:18(38=)   34:54(39)    40:28(39)    43:18(38)    45:17(38)    46:32(38)    47:11(38)  
     NOC Championship                                         5:52(29)     4:27(29)     3:57(37)     1:00(30=)    1:37(35=)    0:53(22=)    2:26(29)    10:06(40)     4:36(38)     5:34(38)     2:50(37)     1:59(32)     1:15(41)     0:39(5=)  

38   Sheralee Bailey             DFOK   C    307-3   49:26    7:33(38)    14:35(40)    17:52(40)    19:22(40)    21:11(40)    22:17(40)    24:57(39)    30:18(38=)   34:14(38)    38:45(37)    45:13(39)    47:32(39)    48:18(39)    49:26(39)  
     DFOK Foresters                                           7:33(38)     7:02(39)     3:17(31)     1:30(40)     1:49(40)     1:06(33)     2:40(33)     5:21(28=)    3:56(32)     4:31(30)     6:28(40)     2:19(36=)    0:46(38)     1:08(36)  

39   Guy Horswell               DEVON   K    356-2   60:30    5:50(28)    12:55(39)    16:31(39)    17:56(39)    19:17(39)    20:15(39)    25:18(40)    42:07(40)    52:00(41)    56:04(41)    57:45(40)    59:06(40)    59:34(40)    60:30(40)  
     Devon Destroyers                                         5:50(28)     7:05(40)     3:36(34)     1:25(39)     1:21(28)     0:58(29=)    5:03(41)    16:49(41)     9:53(41)     4:04(23)     1:41(23=)    1:21(7)      0:28(7=)     0:56(27=) 

40   Lynda Robertson            DEVON   F    205-3   66:56   11:46(41)    20:51(41)    24:42(41)    26:21(41)    28:20(41)    29:38(41)    34:14(41)    43:29(41)    48:21(40)    55:51(40)    62:47(41)    65:12(41)    66:01(41)    66:56(41)  
     Devon Belles                                            11:46(41)     9:05(41)     3:51(36)     1:39(41)     1:59(41)     1:18(40)     4:36(40)     9:15(39)     4:52(39)     7:30(41)     6:56(41)     2:25(39)     0:49(40)     0:55(23=) 

n/c  Helen Smith                 HALO   C    315-1   44:06    5:36(24)    10:18(28)    14:31(34)    15:35(34)    17:19(35)    18:22(34)    20:56(33)    27:52(34)    32:04(34)    37:29(35)    39:41(35)    42:13(35)    43:00(35)    44:06(35)  
     HaLOGens                                                 5:36(24)     4:42(34)     4:13(39=)    1:04(32)     1:44(38)     1:03(32)     2:34(31)     6:56(36)     4:12(36)     5:25(36)     2:12(30=)    2:32(40)     0:47(39)     1:06(35)  

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