Return to relay index. Goto relay G M50, R Mixed Ad Hoc, or course C-AA, C-AB, C-AC, C-BA, C-BB, C-CA, C-CB, C-CC, E-BC, F-BC

Results for Course C-BC
Length 4.9km, 160m climb, 13 controls

Pos  Name                        Club Relay Bib-Lap   Time    1[253]       2[239]       3[194]       4[250]       5[195]       6[229]       7[163]       8[187]       9[189]      10[237]      11[217]      12[200]      13[169]      Finish
1    Clive Hallett                BOK   G   5004-1   31:27    1:40(42=)    4:57(6)      7:10(1)     10:31(1)     12:03(1)     13:41(1)     18:38(1)     20:31(1)     23:39(1)     25:17(1)     27:21(1)     30:33(1)     30:58(1)     31:27(1)   
     BOK Spring Chickens                                      1:40(42=)    3:17(1)      2:13(1)      3:21(1)      1:32(1)      1:38(1)      4:57(28=)    1:53(2)      3:08(1)      1:38(1)      2:04(2=)     3:12(3)      0:25(6=)     0:29(23=) 

2    Calum McLeod               GRAMP   R    414-3   31:49    1:04(6)      4:35(2)      7:14(2)     10:57(3)     14:00(4)     15:58(4)     19:23(2)     21:07(2)     24:18(2)     26:09(2)     28:04(2)     31:12(2)     31:36(2)     31:49(2)   
     McGramp                                                  1:04(6)      3:31(3)      2:39(3)      3:43(5)      3:03(35)     1:58(6)      3:25(1)      1:44(1)      3:11(2)      1:51(5)      1:55(1)      3:08(1)      0:24(3=)     0:13(1)   

3    Tom Hemingway               WAOC   R    452-3   33:18    2:22(58)     5:59(16=)    8:33(10)    12:21(8)     14:09(6)     16:05(5)     20:13(5)     22:07(5)     25:24(3)     27:17(3)     29:29(3)     32:38(3)     33:01(3)     33:18(3)   
     WAOC Wingdings                                           2:22(58)     3:37(7)      2:34(2)      3:48(7)      1:48(2)      1:56(4=)     4:08(8)      1:54(3)      3:17(3)      1:53(7)      2:12(6)      3:09(2)      0:23(2)      0:17(3=)  

4    Scott Collier              KERNO   R    423-3   33:48    0:58(1)      4:23(1)      7:19(3)     10:51(2)     13:13(2)     15:37(2)     19:37(3)     21:56(3)     25:30(4)     27:31(5)     29:36(4)     33:08(4)     33:30(4)     33:48(4)   
     KERNOver the top                                         0:58(1)      3:25(2)      2:56(13)     3:32(2)      2:22(20=)    2:24(23=)    4:00(5)      2:19(20)     3:34(4=)     2:01(13=)    2:05(4)      3:32(6)      0:22(1)      0:18(8)   

5    Ben Stansfield               FVO   R    411-3   33:58    1:10(12)     4:43(4)      7:33(5)     11:48(5)     14:02(5)     15:54(3)     20:00(4)     21:58(4)     25:38(5)     27:30(4)     29:40(5)     33:15(5)     33:41(5)     33:58(5)   
     FVO 3                                                    1:10(12)     3:33(4)      2:50(7=)     4:15(12=)    2:14(14)     1:52(2)      4:06(7)      1:58(4)      3:40(11)     1:52(6)      2:10(5)      3:35(7=)     0:26(12=)    0:17(3=)  

6    Jon Marsden                  FVO   R    412-1   34:45    1:05(7)      4:41(3)      7:21(4)     12:17(7)     14:11(7)     16:06(6)     20:21(6)     22:26(6)     26:04(6)     28:19(7)     30:23(6)     33:47(6)     34:13(6)     34:45(6)   
     FVO 4                                                    1:05(7)      3:36(5=)     2:40(4)      4:56(24)     1:54(5=)     1:55(3)      4:15(14=)    2:05(9)      3:38(8=)     2:15(25)     2:04(2=)     3:24(4)      0:26(12=)    0:32(32=) 

7    Peter Nicholls                GO   G   5013-1   34:56    1:07(9)      6:39(31)     9:33(22)    13:08(13)    15:05(9=)    17:05(8)     20:45(7)     22:45(7)     26:21(7)     28:10(6)     30:24(7)     33:53(7)     34:24(7)     34:56(7)   
     Golden Boys                                              1:07(9)      5:32(38)     2:54(12)     3:35(3)      1:57(8=)     2:00(7)      3:40(2)      2:00(5=)     3:36(6)      1:49(2=)     2:14(7)      3:29(5)      0:31(35=)    0:32(32=) 

8    Nick Green                    GO   G   5014-2   35:43    1:03(5)      5:21(8)      8:29(8)     13:36(19)    15:27(13=)   17:29(11=)   21:23(8)     23:23(8)     27:04(8)     28:53(8)     31:11(8)     34:46(8)     35:11(8)     35:43(8)   
     GO Compare                                               1:03(5)      4:18(14)     3:08(20=)    5:07(26)     1:51(3=)     2:02(8)      3:54(4)      2:00(5=)     3:41(12)     1:49(2=)     2:18(10=)    3:35(7=)     0:25(6=)     0:32(32=) 

9    Eddie Harwood                MOR   G   5022-1   36:23    1:00(3)      6:36(29)     9:28(21)    13:04(11)    15:43(18)    17:39(14)    21:27(9)     23:38(9)     27:16(9)     29:14(9)     31:32(9)     35:20(9)     35:48(9)     36:23(9)   
     Moravian OC                                              1:00(3)      5:36(39)     2:52(10=)    3:36(4)      2:39(29=)    1:56(4=)     3:48(3)      2:11(13=)    3:38(8=)     1:58(9=)     2:18(10=)    3:48(15)     0:28(22=)    0:35(44=) 

10   Elspeth Ingleby            SELOC   R    441-3   37:07    2:33(60)     6:47(33)     9:46(24)    13:42(20)    15:33(17)    17:45(15)    21:50(13)    23:59(12)    28:12(13)    30:30(13=)   32:45(11=)   36:22(10)    36:47(10)    37:07(10)  
     SELOC                                                    2:33(60)     4:14(13)     2:59(14=)    3:56(8)      1:51(3=)     2:12(12=)    4:05(6)      2:09(10=)    4:13(27)     2:18(30=)    2:15(8)      3:37(9)      0:25(6=)     0:20(9=)  

11   Matthew Fellbaum            MDOC   R    462-2   37:19    1:16(16)     4:52(5)      7:40(6)     11:24(4)     13:58(3)     16:46(7)     21:28(10)    23:42(10)    27:49(11)    29:54(11)    32:45(11=)   36:28(12)    36:53(11)    37:19(11)  
     MDOC MAN-FUL                                             1:16(16)     3:36(5=)     2:48(6)      3:44(6)      2:34(25=)    2:48(35)     4:42(20)     2:14(18)     4:07(21)     2:05(17)     2:51(28)     3:43(11=)    0:25(6=)     0:26(21=) 

12   Steve Kirk                  SBOC   R    439-1   37:25    1:19(19)     6:16(22)     9:01(15=)   13:21(15)    15:18(12)    17:29(11=)   21:38(11)    23:50(11)    27:45(10)    29:51(10)    32:34(10)    36:24(11)    36:56(12)    37:25(12)  
     Swansea Beta Force                                       1:19(19)     4:57(30)     2:45(5)      4:20(15)     1:57(8=)     2:11(10=)    4:09(9=)     2:12(15=)    3:55(16)     2:06(18=)    2:43(21=)    3:50(17)     0:32(38=)    0:29(23=) 

13   Charlotte Ward              HALO   R    416-3   37:28    1:30(29=)    5:42(11)     8:32(9)     13:00(9)     15:05(9=)    17:09(9)     21:54(15)    24:05(13=)   28:11(12)    30:14(12)    33:00(14)    36:47(14)    37:11(14)    37:28(13)  
     HALO Come on Mum                                         1:30(29=)    4:12(10=)    2:50(7=)     4:28(18)     2:05(12)     2:04(9)      4:45(21=)    2:11(13=)    4:06(20)     2:03(16)     2:46(24=)    3:47(14)     0:24(3=)     0:17(3=)  

14   Ian Hargreaves             KERNO   R    422-2   37:49    0:59(2)      5:00(7)      7:51(7)     12:01(6)     14:31(8)     19:11(23)    23:20(20)    25:21(18)    28:55(18)    30:54(17)    33:11(15)    36:51(15)    37:20(15)    37:49(15)  
     KERNO Hargreaves                                         0:59(2)      4:01(9)      2:51(9)      4:10(9)      2:30(24)     4:40(67)     4:09(9=)     2:01(7)      3:34(4=)     1:59(11)     2:17(9)      3:40(10)     0:29(27=)    0:29(23=) 

15   Gavin Smith                 SROC   R    450-3   38:20    1:35(36=)    7:00(35)    10:05(30)    14:29(25)    17:16(26)    19:34(25)    23:50(24)    25:59(22)    29:36(20)    31:26(19)    33:45(18)    37:30(16)    37:58(16)    38:20(16)  
     SROCchairs                                               1:35(36=)    5:25(37)     3:05(17=)    4:24(17)     2:47(32)     2:18(14=)    4:16(16)     2:09(10=)    3:37(7)      1:50(4)      2:19(13)     3:45(13)     0:28(22=)    0:22(15=) 

16   Steve Wilson               CLYDE   R    403-1   38:52    1:09(11)     5:51(15)     8:43(11)    13:33(17)    15:27(13=)   17:38(13)    21:53(14)    24:14(15)    28:14(14)    30:31(15)    33:17(16)    37:43(17)    38:19(17)    38:52(17)  
     Cruisers                                                 1:09(11)     4:42(19)     2:52(10=)    4:50(22)     1:54(5=)     2:11(10=)    4:15(14=)    2:21(23=)    4:00(17=)    2:17(27=)    2:46(24=)    4:26(30=)    0:36(48=)    0:33(36=) 

17   Neil Harvatt                HALO   R    415-1   38:57    1:29(27=)    5:49(14)     8:48(12)    13:03(10)    15:13(11)    17:25(10)    21:43(12)    24:05(13=)   28:31(15)    30:40(16)    33:23(17)    37:49(18)    38:23(18)    38:57(18)  
     HALO Pick And Mix                                        1:29(27=)    4:20(15)     2:59(14=)    4:15(12=)    2:10(13)     2:12(12=)    4:18(18)     2:22(25)     4:26(31)     2:09(21=)    2:43(21=)    4:26(30=)    0:34(41=)    0:34(41=) 

18   Tom Lillicrap              DEVON   R    405-3   39:15    1:17(17=)    5:40(10)     9:01(15=)   13:19(14)    16:32(22)    18:50(20)    23:47(23)    26:03(23)    29:51(21)    31:52(21)    34:29(21)    38:24(20)    38:53(20)    39:15(19)  
     DEVON Rubys                                              1:17(17=)    4:23(16)     3:21(29)     4:18(14)     3:13(40)     2:18(14=)    4:57(28=)    2:16(19)     3:48(15)     2:01(13=)    2:37(18)     3:55(21=)    0:29(27=)    0:22(15=) 

19   Derek Allison                LOC   G   5003-2   39:25    1:33(34)     5:45(12)     8:53(14)    13:06(12)    15:44(19)    18:04(18)    23:05(18)    25:32(19)    29:32(19)    31:40(20)    34:21(19)    38:17(19)    38:47(19)    39:25(20)  
     LOC Old Man                                              1:33(34)     4:12(10=)    3:08(20=)    4:13(11)     2:38(27=)    2:20(17=)    5:01(32)     2:27(29)     4:00(17=)    2:08(20)     2:41(20)     3:56(23)     0:30(31=)    0:38(50=) 

20   Alistair Walker            MAROC   R    429-3   39:29    1:15(14=)    6:09(18)     9:27(20)    14:21(23=)   16:43(24)    19:07(22)    23:38(22)    26:07(24)    30:17(23)    32:27(22)    34:55(22)    38:47(22)    39:14(21)    39:29(21)  
     Maroc 7                                                  1:15(14=)    4:54(28)     3:18(27=)    4:54(23)     2:22(20=)    2:24(23=)    4:31(19)     2:29(30=)    4:10(22=)    2:10(23)     2:28(16)     3:52(19=)    0:27(16=)    0:15(2)   

21   Phil Newall                KERNO   R    424-1   39:52    1:08(10)     5:46(13)     8:52(13)    13:34(18)    15:30(16)    17:51(17)    22:08(16)    24:28(16)    28:45(17)    31:10(18)    34:22(20)    38:42(21)    39:16(22)    39:52(22)  
     KERNOtorious                                             1:08(10)     4:38(18)     3:06(19)     4:42(20)     1:56(7)      2:21(19=)    4:17(17)     2:20(21=)    4:17(28)     2:25(34)     3:12(39)     4:20(27)     0:34(41=)    0:36(47)  

22   Katrina Hemingway           WCOC   R    458-2   40:20    1:20(20=)    6:32(27=)    9:55(28)    14:06(21)    16:24(20)    18:42(19)    23:27(21)    25:48(20=)   30:16(22)    32:30(23)    35:25(23)    39:20(23)    39:51(23)    40:20(23)  
     WCOC 4                                                   1:20(20=)    5:12(33)     3:23(30=)    4:11(10)     2:18(16)     2:18(14=)    4:45(21=)    2:21(23=)    4:28(33=)    2:14(24)     2:55(29)     3:55(21=)    0:31(35=)    0:29(23=) 

23   Martin Skinner              WCOC   R    459-3   40:45    1:35(36=)    6:12(19=)    9:47(25)    14:10(22)    16:27(21)    19:01(21)    23:11(19)    25:48(20=)   30:37(24)    32:53(24)    35:31(24)    39:56(25)    40:23(25)    40:45(24)  
     WCOC 5                                                   1:35(36=)    4:37(17)     3:35(37)     4:23(16)     2:17(15)     2:34(27=)    4:10(11)     2:37(42)     4:49(40=)    2:16(26)     2:38(19)     4:25(29)     0:27(16=)    0:22(15=) 

24   Trevor Ricketts            MAROC   G   5005-2   40:53    1:17(17=)    6:21(24)     9:26(19)    14:38(27)    17:17(27)    19:52(28)    24:49(27)    27:12(26)    31:24(26)    33:30(26)    36:03(25)    39:54(24)    40:22(24)    40:53(25)  
     Maroc 5                                                  1:17(17=)    5:04(31)     3:05(17=)    5:12(28)     2:39(29=)    2:35(30)     4:57(28=)    2:23(26)     4:12(26)     2:06(18=)    2:33(17)     3:51(18)     0:28(22=)    0:31(30=) 

25   Charlotte Turner            SLOW   R    443-3   41:09    1:01(4)      6:40(32)     9:49(26=)   14:36(26)    16:57(25)    19:17(24)    24:11(25)    26:40(25)    30:50(25)    33:19(25)    36:05(26)    40:28(26)    40:52(26)    41:09(26)  
     SLOW mah2                                                1:01(4)      5:39(41)     3:09(23)     4:47(21)     2:21(19)     2:20(17=)    4:54(25=)    2:29(30=)    4:10(22=)    2:29(35=)    2:46(24=)    4:23(28)     0:24(3=)     0:17(3=)  

26   Andy Emmerson                 OD   R    435-2   43:00    5:00(65)     9:53(60)    12:54(52)    18:45(44)    21:24(37)    24:00(35)    28:13(31)    30:16(30)    33:55(30)    35:55(29)    38:17(28)    42:00(27)    42:27(27)    43:00(27)  
     ODds and Sods                                            5:00(65)     4:53(27)     3:01(16)     5:51(37=)    2:39(29=)    2:36(31=)    4:13(12=)    2:03(8)      3:39(10)     2:00(12)     2:22(14)     3:43(11=)    0:27(16=)    0:33(36=) 

27   Kelvin Dawson                WCH   R    453-2   43:27    1:29(27=)    6:13(21)     9:44(23)    15:29(28)    17:29(28)    19:50(27)    24:59(28)    27:28(28)    31:52(27)    34:21(27)    37:29(27)    42:22(28)    42:57(28)    43:27(28)  
     Chasing Pirates                                          1:29(27=)    4:44(20=)    3:31(35)     5:45(32)     2:00(11)     2:21(19=)    5:09(36)     2:29(30=)    4:24(30)     2:29(35=)    3:08(35)     4:53(41=)    0:35(44=)    0:30(28=) 

28   Neil Speers                 DFOK   R    407-3   44:01    1:06(8)      8:30(52)    11:54(43=)   16:59(36=)   19:33(29)    21:54(29)    26:48(29)    29:14(29)    33:34(29)    35:53(28)    38:43(29)    43:12(29)    43:40(29)    44:01(29)  
     Outcasts                                                 1:06(8)      7:24(62)     3:24(32)     5:05(25)     2:34(25=)    2:21(19=)    4:54(25=)    2:26(27=)    4:20(29)     2:19(32)     2:50(27)     4:29(35)     0:28(22=)    0:21(11=) 

29   Alun Jones                  TVOC   G   5031-1   45:05    4:09(63)     7:59(42)    11:07(38)    19:03(47)    21:31(38)    25:50(41)    30:03(37)    32:13(33)    35:57(32)    37:55(32)    40:18(32)    44:07(30)    44:34(30)    45:05(30)  
     TVOC Tornados                                            4:09(63)     3:50(8)      3:08(20=)    7:56(63)     2:28(22=)    4:19(65)     4:13(12=)    2:10(12)     3:44(13=)    1:58(9=)     2:23(15)     3:49(16)     0:27(16=)    0:31(30=) 

30   David Downes                WCOC   R    457-1   45:29    1:14(13)     5:59(16=)    9:10(18)    14:21(23=)   16:41(23)    19:42(26)    24:30(26)    27:21(27)    32:01(28)    36:35(30)    39:51(30)    44:17(31)    44:56(31)    45:29(31)  
     WCOC 3                                                   1:14(13)     4:45(22=)    3:11(24=)    5:11(27)     2:20(18)     3:01(43=)    4:48(23)     2:51(55)     4:40(38)     4:34(69)     3:16(42)     4:26(30=)    0:39(60)     0:33(36=) 

31   Margaret Reynolds           SBOC   R    440-2   45:51    1:32(32=)    6:22(25)     9:58(29)    15:32(29)    19:35(30)    22:31(30)    27:39(30)    30:18(31)    34:45(31)    37:02(31)    40:04(31)    44:39(32)    45:16(32)    45:51(32)  
     Swansea Delta Force                                      1:32(32=)    4:50(26)     3:36(38)     5:34(31)     4:03(51)     2:56(39)     5:08(35)     2:39(45=)    4:27(32)     2:17(27=)    3:02(32)     4:35(36)     0:37(52=)    0:35(44=) 

32   Roger Scrutton              ESOC   R    409-1   48:05    1:38(39=)    7:16(37)    11:08(39)    16:59(36=)   21:17(36)    23:51(34)    28:54(32)    31:27(32)    36:06(33)    38:52(33)    42:17(33)    46:54(33)    47:31(33)    48:05(33)  
     ESOC Capercaillies                                       1:38(39=)    5:38(40)     3:52(46=)    5:51(37=)    4:18(59)     2:34(27=)    5:03(33)     2:33(36=)    4:39(36=)    2:46(43=)    3:25(45=)    4:37(38)     0:37(52=)    0:34(41=) 

33   Stephen Fellbaum            MDOC   G   5021-2   48:35    1:20(20=)    9:07(58)    12:25(47)    18:59(46)    21:51(41)    24:27(38)    29:53(34)    32:32(35)    37:23(35)    39:56(35)    43:10(35)    47:38(35)    48:03(34)    48:35(34)  
     MDOC MAN-ANA                                             1:20(20=)    7:47(65)     3:18(27=)    6:34(49)     2:52(33)     2:36(31=)    5:26(39)     2:39(45=)    4:51(42)     2:33(38)     3:14(40=)    4:28(33=)    0:25(6=)     0:32(32=) 

34   Simon Poole                 RAFO   R    437-2   48:45    1:15(14=)    6:32(27=)   11:01(37)    17:20(40)    19:48(32)    22:49(31)    29:58(36)    33:23(38)    38:16(38)    40:33(38)    43:40(38)    47:49(37)    48:15(37)    48:45(35)  
     RAF Really Appy Folk                                     1:15(14=)    5:17(34)     4:29(61)     6:19(45)     2:28(22=)    3:01(43=)    7:09(65)     3:25(68)     4:53(43)     2:17(27=)    3:07(34)     4:09(26)     0:26(12=)    0:30(28=) 

35   David Funnell               NGOC   R    431-2   48:46    2:10(55)    11:27(62)    14:44(61=)   20:33(55)    23:49(50)    26:40(46)    31:47(41)    34:13(41=)   38:24(39)    40:42(39)    43:39(37)    47:44(36)    48:11(36)    48:46(36)  
     NGOCMXADHC                                               2:10(55)     9:17(69)     3:17(26)     5:49(35)     3:16(41)     2:51(36)     5:07(34)     2:26(27=)    4:11(25)     2:18(30=)    2:57(30)     4:05(25)     0:27(16=)    0:35(44=) 

36   Antony Schofield              MV   G   5023-2   49:26    2:49(61)     7:33(40)    10:56(36)    17:45(41)    20:49(35)    23:35(32=)   30:46(38)    33:19(37)    37:29(36)    39:38(34)    42:48(34)    47:35(34)    48:07(35)    49:26(37)  
     MV Velvet Flyers                                         2:49(61)     4:44(20=)    3:23(30=)    6:49(54)     3:04(36)     2:46(34)     7:11(66)     2:33(36=)    4:10(22=)    2:09(21=)    3:10(36=)    4:47(40)     0:32(38=)    1:19(72)  

37   Phil Smithard                DEE   R    404-2   49:45    1:28(26)     8:06(43)    11:54(43=)   17:56(42)    22:09(42)    25:12(39)    30:55(39)    33:28(39)    37:56(37)    40:26(37)    43:27(36)    48:34(38)    49:12(38)    49:45(38)  
     DEEallsorts                                              1:28(26)     6:38(57)     3:48(45)     6:02(43)     4:13(57)     3:03(47)     5:43(41=)    2:33(36=)    4:28(33=)    2:30(37)     3:01(31)     5:07(49)     0:38(57=)    0:33(36=) 

38   Simon Bevan                  SOC   R    448-1   50:34    1:27(25)     6:12(19=)    9:49(26=)   15:39(30)    21:35(39)    24:02(36)    29:45(33)    32:21(34)    37:09(34)    40:05(36)    43:46(39)    49:23(39)    50:01(39)    50:34(39)  
     SOC Hosan                                                1:27(25)     4:45(22=)    3:37(39=)    5:50(36)     5:56(66=)    2:27(26)     5:43(41=)    2:36(40=)    4:48(39)     2:56(49=)    3:41(54)     5:37(59=)    0:38(57=)    0:33(36=) 

39   Graham Pring               KERNO   R    421-1   50:42    1:40(42=)    6:27(26)    10:06(31)    15:54(32)    23:33(49)    27:02(48)    31:57(42)    34:09(40)    39:09(41)    41:43(40)    44:57(40)    49:33(40)    50:08(40)    50:42(40)  
     KERNOverthehill                                          1:40(42=)    4:47(24)     3:39(41=)    5:48(33=)    7:39(70)     3:29(51)     4:55(27)     2:12(15=)    5:00(44=)    2:34(39)     3:14(40=)    4:36(37)     0:35(44=)    0:34(41=) 

40   Peter Waldron               SROC   R    451-1   51:46    1:30(29=)    6:51(34)    10:46(35)    16:44(35)    20:43(34)    23:35(32=)   29:54(35)    32:38(36)    38:55(40)    41:47(41)    45:26(41)    50:25(41)    51:08(41)    51:46(41)  
     SROCtables                                               1:30(29=)    5:21(35)     3:55(52)     5:58(42)     3:59(50)     2:52(37)     6:19(52=)    2:44(49=)    6:17(65)     2:52(47)     3:39(53)     4:59(45)     0:43(65)     0:38(50=) 

41   Ian Wells                    LEI   R    425-3   52:59    1:39(41)     8:08(45)    12:14(45)    19:38(49)    23:05(46)    26:48(47)    32:36(47)    35:14(45)    40:22(44)    43:18(42=)   46:50(42)    52:08(42)    52:38(42)    52:59(42)  
     bobsLEIghs                                               1:39(41)     6:29(52=)    4:06(58=)    7:24(59)     3:27(44)     3:43(55)     5:48(44=)    2:38(43=)    5:08(49)     2:56(49=)    3:32(48)     5:18(53)     0:30(31=)    0:21(11=) 

42   Richard Rigby               CLOK   R    402-3   53:08    2:00(51)     8:42(55)    12:34(49)    18:52(45)    22:15(44)    25:33(40)    32:13(43)    35:17(46)    40:32(47)    43:34(47)    47:19(46)    52:17(43)    52:47(43)    53:08(43)  
     Clok 4                                                   2:00(51)     6:42(58)     3:52(46=)    6:18(44)     3:23(43)     3:18(49)     6:40(58)     3:04(59=)    5:15(52)     3:02(52)     3:45(56)     4:58(43=)    0:30(31=)    0:21(11=) 

43   Pat Squire                   INT   R    420-3   53:32    2:12(56)     8:32(54)    12:26(48)    18:17(43)    22:10(43)    26:17(44)    32:25(44=)   35:06(44)    40:26(46)    43:19(44)    47:03(43)    52:25(44)    53:06(44)    53:32(44)  
     INT Compasspoint SW                                      2:12(56)     6:20(51)     3:54(51)     5:51(37=)    3:53(48=)    4:07(64)     6:08(50)     2:41(47)     5:20(55)     2:53(48)     3:44(55)     5:22(55)     0:41(62=)    0:26(21=) 

44   Keith Lowthian               NOC   R    433-1   53:44    1:36(38)     7:25(39)    11:27(41)    17:15(39)    21:40(40)    26:21(45)    32:25(44=)   34:57(43)    40:01(42)    43:18(42=)   47:08(44)    52:42(46)    53:07(45)    53:44(45)  
     Sherwood                                                 1:36(38)     5:49(44)     4:02(57)     5:48(33=)    4:25(60)     4:41(68)     6:04(49)     2:32(34=)    5:04(47)     3:17(59=)    3:50(58=)    5:34(58)     0:25(6=)     0:37(48=) 

45   Robert Brandon                OD   R    436-1   53:48    1:34(35)     7:19(38)    11:15(40)    17:07(38)    20:13(33)    26:16(43)    32:35(46)    35:21(47)    40:23(45)    43:26(46)    47:20(47)    52:33(45)    53:10(46)    53:48(46)  
     ODds and Ends                                            1:34(35)     5:45(42)     3:56(53=)    5:52(40)     3:06(37)     6:03(70)     6:19(52=)    2:46(52=)    5:02(46)     3:03(53=)    3:54(61=)    5:13(52)     0:37(52=)    0:38(50=) 

46   Mark Howell                   SN   R    447-3   54:05   12:28(71)    17:17(70)    20:46(70)    27:23(68)    29:42(65)    32:08(61)    37:29(58)    39:49(54=)   44:28(54)    46:30(52)    49:15(51)    53:19(48)    53:48(47)    54:05(47)  
     SNow Geese                                              12:28(71)     4:49(25)     3:29(34)     6:37(51)     2:19(17)     2:26(25)     5:21(38)     2:20(21=)    4:39(36=)    2:02(15)     2:45(23)     4:04(24)     0:29(27=)    0:17(3=)  

47   Adrian Wise                   SN   R    445-1   54:38    1:30(29=)    6:37(30)    10:38(34)    16:35(34)    19:47(31)    24:20(37)    31:09(40)    34:13(41=)   40:04(43)    43:23(45)    47:13(45)    53:08(47)    53:57(48)    54:38(48)  
     SNow Drifts                                              1:30(29=)    5:07(32)     4:01(56)     5:57(41)     3:12(39)     4:33(66)     6:49(61)     3:04(59=)    5:51(61)     3:19(61)     3:50(58=)    5:55(64)     0:49(69=)    0:41(58=) 

48   Gill Manning                SWOC   R    461-3   54:57    1:42(44)     8:19(50)    12:51(51)    20:35(56)    23:52(52)    27:36(50)    33:24(50)    36:17(49)    42:02(49)    44:58(49)    48:18(49)    53:55(51)    54:35(50)    54:57(49)  
     SWOCtopus                                                1:42(44)     6:37(56)     4:32(62)     7:44(62)     3:17(42)     3:44(56=)    5:48(44=)    2:53(56)     5:45(59)     2:56(49=)    3:20(43)     5:37(59=)    0:40(61)     0:22(15=) 

49   Barrie Speake               EBOR   R    408-2   55:12    1:38(39=)    9:57(61)    13:55(59)    20:23(54)    23:01(45)    25:59(42)    32:58(48)    35:44(48)    41:06(48)    43:54(48)    47:59(48)    53:47(49)    54:28(49)    55:12(50)  
     EBOR Cohort                                              1:38(39=)    8:19(67)     3:58(55)     6:28(48)     2:38(27=)    2:58(40)     6:59(62=)    2:46(52=)    5:22(56)     2:48(45)     4:05(65)     5:48(62)     0:41(62=)    0:44(64=) 

50   Kerstin Mitchell             HOC   R    419-2   55:27    1:32(32=)    8:07(44)    11:53(42)    20:11(53)    24:03(53)    28:07(53)    34:27(51)    37:26(52)    42:44(50)    45:24(50)    48:49(50)    53:52(50)    54:40(51)    55:27(51)  
     HOCskip&jump                                             1:32(32=)    6:35(55)     3:46(44)     8:18(65)     3:52(47)     4:04(63)     6:20(54)     2:59(58)     5:18(53)     2:40(42)     3:25(45=)    5:03(47)     0:48(68)     0:47(68=) 

51   Jon Darley                    GO   R    413-2   56:24    1:25(23=)    6:20(23)    10:13(32)    16:34(33)    23:20(47)    32:36(63)    37:35(59)    40:18(58)    44:18(53)    46:38(54)    49:49(52)    54:42(52)    55:13(52)    56:24(52)  
     Got to GO                                                1:25(23=)    4:55(29)     3:53(48=)    6:21(46)     6:46(69)     9:16(72)     4:59(31)     2:43(48)     4:00(17=)    2:20(33)     3:11(38)     4:53(41=)    0:31(35=)    1:11(71)  

52   Selwyn Wright                LOC   R    426-2   56:44    1:58(49)     8:55(56)    13:28(57)    20:07(51)    24:22(54)    27:58(52)    34:28(52)    37:24(51)    43:12(52)    46:35(53)    50:09(54)    55:33(53)    56:07(53)    56:44(53)  
     LOC Lingmell                                             1:58(49)     6:57(59)     4:33(63)     6:39(52=)    4:15(58)     3:36(52=)    6:30(56)     2:56(57)     5:48(60)     3:23(63)     3:34(50)     5:24(56)     0:34(41=)    0:37(48=) 

53   Trisha Coombs              MAROC   R    428-2   56:52    1:51(45)     7:54(41)    12:19(46)    19:18(48)    23:26(48)    27:24(49)    33:23(49)    36:35(50)    42:47(51)    45:59(51)    49:53(53)    55:35(54)    56:11(54)    56:52(54)  
     Maroc 4                                                  1:51(45)     6:03(46)     4:25(60)     6:59(56)     4:08(53=)    3:58(61)     5:59(47)     3:12(63)     6:12(64)     3:12(58)     3:54(61=)    5:42(61)     0:36(48=)    0:41(58=) 

54   Ben Warland                  SOS   R    449-2   57:45    5:59(66)    11:51(63)    15:28(63)    22:29(58)    27:15(58)    29:49(56)    36:34(54)    39:38(53)    44:43(56)    47:52(56)    51:50(56)    56:48(55)    57:16(55)    57:45(55)  
     SOS 8                                                    5:59(66)     5:52(45)     3:37(39=)    7:01(58)     4:46(62)     2:34(27=)    6:45(60)     3:04(59=)    5:05(48)     3:09(56)     3:58(64)     4:58(43=)    0:28(22=)    0:29(23=) 

55   John Methven                 WCH   R    456-3   57:47    1:25(23=)    7:11(36)    10:22(33)    15:44(31)    31:32(67)    34:13(67)    39:32(63)    42:08(63)    46:43(59)    49:22(58)    52:32(57)    57:00(56)    57:27(56)    57:47(56)  
     Chasing Firemen                                          1:25(23=)    5:46(43)     3:11(24=)    5:22(29)    15:48(72)     2:41(33)     5:19(37)     2:36(40=)    4:35(35)     2:39(41)     3:10(36=)    4:28(33=)    0:27(16=)    0:20(9=)  

56   Ian Pyrah                   ESOC   R    410-2   58:28    1:56(47)     9:00(57)    12:39(50)    25:16(65)    28:25(59)    31:18(58)    37:19(56=)   39:49(54=)   44:38(55)    47:24(55)    50:57(55)    57:12(57)    57:50(57)    58:28(57)  
     ESOC Ptarmigans                                          1:56(47)     7:04(60)     3:39(41=)   12:37(72)     3:09(38)     2:53(38)     6:01(48)     2:30(33)     4:49(40=)    2:46(43=)    3:33(49)     6:15(65)     0:38(57=)    0:38(50=) 

57   Robert Parkinson             NOC   R    434-3   59:33    6:26(67)    14:08(66)    17:41(65)    24:41(63)    28:34(61)    33:26(66)    39:43(65)    42:15(64)    47:27(62)    50:38(59)    54:03(59)    58:43(58)    59:09(58)    59:33(58)  
     Friars                                                   6:26(67)     7:42(64)     3:33(36)     7:00(57)     3:53(48=)    4:52(69)     6:17(51)     2:32(34=)    5:12(51)     3:11(57)     3:25(45=)    4:40(39)     0:26(12=)    0:24(19=) 

58   Jeremy Hill                 TVOC   G   5032-2   60:53    3:15(62)    13:38(65)    17:31(64)    23:55(62)    29:11(63)    32:12(62)    38:07(60)    40:45(60)    45:56(57)    48:59(57)    53:37(58)    59:30(59)    60:07(59)    60:53(59)  
     TVOC 1                                                   3:15(62)    10:23(71)     3:53(48=)    6:24(47)     5:16(64)     3:01(43=)    5:55(46)     2:38(43=)    5:11(50)     3:03(53=)    4:38(68)     5:53(63)     0:37(52=)    0:46(66=) 

59   Alan Wallis                   SN   R    446-2   61:28    2:04(53)     8:15(48=)   12:57(53)    21:46(57)    25:57(56)    29:33(54)    38:10(61)    41:25(62)    47:47(64)    50:50(60)    54:46(60)    60:11(60)    60:47(60)    61:28(60)  
     SNow Shower                                              2:04(53)     6:11(48)     4:42(64)     8:49(66)     4:11(55)     3:36(52=)    8:37(70)     3:15(64=)    6:22(66)     3:03(53=)    3:56(63)     5:25(57)     0:36(48=)    0:41(58=) 

60   Nicholas Maxwell           DEVON   R    406-1   62:58    1:57(48)     8:27(51)    13:11(54=)   20:08(52)    25:46(55)    29:43(55)    36:44(55)    40:12(57)    46:46(60)    50:56(61)    55:14(61)    61:33(61)    62:19(61)    62:58(61)  
     DEVON Silver Face                                        1:57(48)     6:30(54)     4:44(65)     6:57(55)     5:38(65)     3:57(60)     7:01(64)     3:28(70)     6:34(68=)    4:10(67)     4:18(66)     6:19(67)     0:46(66=)    0:39(56=) 

61   Richard Raynsford            BOK   R    401-2   63:51    1:53(46)     8:12(46)    13:11(54=)   19:46(50)    23:50(51)    27:41(51)    36:06(53)    39:56(56)    47:36(63)    51:27(63)    55:19(62)    62:18(62)    63:07(62)    63:51(62)  
     BOK All Sorts                                            1:53(46)     6:19(50)     4:59(66)     6:35(50)     4:04(52)     3:51(58=)    8:25(69)     3:50(71)     7:40(72)     3:51(66)     3:52(60)     6:59(70)     0:49(69=)    0:44(64=) 

62   Barry Breed                   HH   R    418-1   64:16    1:59(50)     8:15(48=)   14:03(60)    22:53(59)    27:01(57)    30:43(57)    37:19(56=)   40:42(59)    47:16(61)    51:06(62)    55:51(63)    62:36(63)    63:33(63)    64:16(63)  
     Happy Herts Auroch                                       1:59(50)     6:16(49)     5:48(71)     8:50(67)     4:08(53=)    3:42(54)     6:36(57)     3:23(67)     6:34(68=)    3:50(65)     4:45(69)     6:45(69)     0:57(71)     0:43(63)  

63   Lisa Methven                 WCH   R    454-1   64:54    2:02(52)     8:31(53)    13:33(58)    25:26(66)    29:00(62)    31:59(60)    38:21(62)    41:07(61)    46:26(58)    53:35(64)    58:30(65)    63:39(64)    64:15(64)    64:54(64)  
     Tequila Chasers                                          2:02(52)     6:29(52=)    5:02(67)    11:53(71)     3:34(46)     2:59(41=)    6:22(55)     2:46(52=)    5:19(54)     7:09(72)     4:55(70)     5:09(51)     0:36(48=)    0:39(56=) 

64   John Clarke               SUFFOC   R    460-1   65:19    4:30(64)    16:00(68)    19:56(68)    27:39(69)    33:35(68=)   36:37(68)    45:16(69)    47:50(68)    52:50(67)    55:39(67)    59:02(66)    64:03(65)    64:38(65)    65:19(65)  
     SUFFOC Waveney                                           4:30(64)    11:30(72)     3:56(53=)    7:43(61)     5:56(66=)    3:02(46)     8:39(71)     2:34(39)     5:00(44=)    2:49(46)     3:23(44)     5:01(46)     0:35(44=)    0:41(58=) 

65   Ian Whitehead                DVO   G   5012-2   65:43   15:39(72)    24:22(72)    28:05(72)    33:32(72)    36:34(72)    39:33(70)    45:14(68)    47:59(69)    53:37(69)    56:14(68)    59:20(67)    64:28(66)    65:05(66)    65:43(66)  
     DVOligarchs                                             15:39(72)     8:43(68)     3:43(43)     5:27(30)     3:02(34)     2:59(41=)    5:41(40)     2:45(51)     5:38(57=)    2:37(40)     3:06(33)     5:08(50)     0:37(52=)    0:38(50=) 

66   Megan Ashton               SARUM   R    438-3   66:23    8:47(68)    16:25(69)    20:31(69)    28:35(70)    33:35(68=)   37:36(69)    44:35(67)    47:19(67)    53:18(68)    56:35(69)    60:11(69)    65:32(68)    66:02(68)    66:23(67)  
     SARUM's Best Mix                                         8:47(68)     7:38(63)     4:06(58=)    8:04(64)     5:00(63)     4:01(62)     6:59(62=)    2:44(49=)    5:59(62)     3:17(59=)    3:36(51)     5:21(54)     0:30(31=)    0:21(11=) 

67   Victoria Robb               SLOW   R    444-2   66:34    2:28(59)    12:02(64)    18:05(66)    25:42(67)    29:13(64)    32:57(64=)   39:40(64)    42:49(65)    49:16(65)    54:03(65)    58:23(64)    65:02(67)    65:48(67)    66:34(68)  
     SLOW mah3                                                2:28(59)     9:34(70)     6:03(72)     7:37(60)     3:31(45)     3:44(56=)    6:43(59)     3:09(62)     6:27(67)     4:47(71)     4:20(67)     6:39(68)     0:46(66=)    0:46(66=) 

68   Pamela Mitchell              WCH   R    455-2   70:24    2:06(54)     8:14(47)    13:22(56)    23:20(60)    29:48(66)    32:57(64=)   40:27(66)    44:33(66)    50:11(66)    54:26(66)    59:50(68)    69:10(70)    69:42(69)    70:24(69)  
     Whisky Chasers                                           2:06(54)     6:08(47)     5:08(68)     9:58(70)     6:28(68)     3:09(48)     7:30(67)     4:06(72)     5:38(57=)    4:15(68)     5:24(71)     9:20(71=)    0:32(38=)    0:42(62)  

69   Brian Slater                HALO   R    417-2   70:32    2:13(57)     9:26(59)    14:44(61=)   23:49(61)    28:26(60)    31:49(59)    45:44(70)    49:00(70)    55:36(70)    59:09(70)    62:46(70)    69:04(69)    69:45(70)    70:32(70)  
     HALO Over the Hill                                       2:13(57)     7:13(61)     5:18(69)     9:05(68)     4:37(61)     3:23(50)    13:55(72)     3:16(66)     6:36(70)     3:33(64)     3:37(52)     6:18(66)     0:41(62=)    0:47(68=) 

70   Helen Parkinson              NOC   R    432-3   71:16    9:01(69)    14:25(67)    18:18(67)    24:57(64)    34:33(70)    42:55(72)    48:40(72)    51:55(72)    58:03(71)    61:25(71)    65:11(71)    70:17(71)    70:52(71)    71:16(71)  
     NOCool                                                   9:01(69)     5:24(36)     3:53(48=)    6:39(52=)    9:36(71)     8:22(71)     5:45(43)     3:15(64=)    6:08(63)     3:22(62)     3:46(57)     5:06(48)     0:35(44=)    0:24(19=) 

71   Heather Walton              SLOW   R    442-1   81:27    9:19(70)    17:23(71)    22:57(71)    32:06(71)    36:18(71)    40:09(71)    48:04(71)    51:31(71)    59:07(72)    63:49(72)    69:59(72)    79:19(72)    80:26(72)    81:27(72)  
     SLOW mah                                                 9:19(70)     8:04(66)     5:34(70)     9:09(69)     4:12(56)     3:51(58=)    7:55(68)     3:27(69)     7:36(71)     4:42(70)     6:10(72)     9:20(71=)    1:07(72)     1:01(70)  

n/c  Axel Blomquist               SYO   G   5030-2   37:47    1:22(22)     5:34(9)      9:01(15=)   13:32(16)    15:29(15)    17:50(16)    22:39(17)    24:51(17)    28:35(16)    30:30(13=)   32:48(13)    36:40(13)    37:09(13)    37:47(14)  
     SYO10                                                    1:22(22)     4:12(10=)    3:27(33)     4:31(19)     1:57(8=)     2:21(19=)    4:49(24)     2:12(15=)    3:44(13=)    1:55(8)      2:18(10=)    3:52(19=)    0:29(27=)    0:38(50=) 

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