Return to relay index. Goto relay D Women's Short, H W50, K W60, M W18, or course E-AA, E-AB, E-AC, E-BB, E-BC, E-CA, E-CB, E-CC

Results for Course E-BA
Length 3.9km, 130m climb, 13 controls

Pos  Name                        Club Relay Bib-Lap   Time    1[193]       2[218]       3[178]       4[204]       5[203]       6[202]       7[253]       8[187]       9[235]      10[224]      11[207]      12[200]      13[169]      Finish
1    Anne Edwards                TVOC   D    317-1   27:49    3:20(1)      7:38(1)      9:02(1)     10:56(1)     12:25(1)     15:16(1)     19:21(1)     20:06(1)     21:32(1)     23:54(1)     25:15(1)     26:52(1)     27:19(1)     27:49(1)   
     TVOC 6                                                   3:20(1)      4:18(1)      1:24(2)      1:54(5)      1:29(1)      2:51(2)      4:05(1)      0:45(2)      1:26(2)      2:22(2)      1:21(2)      1:37(2)      0:27(3=)     0:30(11)  

2    Julie Emmerson                OD   M   1866-3   28:36    3:40(2=)     8:03(2)      9:25(2)     11:03(2)     13:03(2)     15:48(2)     21:21(2)     22:00(2)     23:21(2)     25:26(2)     26:29(2)     27:56(2)     28:16(2)     28:36(2)   
     ODd Socks                                                3:40(2=)     4:23(2)      1:22(1)      1:38(1)      2:00(4)      2:45(1)      5:33(3)      0:39(1)      1:21(1)      2:05(1)      1:03(1)      1:27(1)      0:20(1)      0:20(2)   

3    Julia Jarvis                  SO   D    312-3   35:28    3:51(4)      9:07(3)     10:46(3)     12:57(3)     14:53(3)     18:11(3)     24:45(3)     25:36(3)     27:23(3)     30:22(3)     32:28(3)     34:33(3)     35:06(3)     35:28(3)   
     Team SOlicitious                                         3:51(4)      5:16(4)      1:39(3)      2:11(7)      1:56(3)      3:18(4)      6:34(5)      0:51(3)      1:47(7)      2:59(3)      2:06(14)     2:05(4)      0:33(12)     0:22(5=)  

4    Jackie Hallett               BOK   H   5062-2   36:11    4:12(6)     10:23(6)     12:31(6)     14:10(5)     16:29(5)     19:59(5)     25:26(4)     26:23(4)     28:02(4)     31:03(4)     32:48(4)     34:56(4)     35:31(4)     36:11(4)   
     BOk J                                                    4:12(6)      6:11(7)      2:08(11)     1:39(2)      2:19(9)      3:30(6)      5:27(2)      0:57(8)      1:39(4)      3:01(4=)     1:45(6)      2:08(6)      0:35(14=)    0:40(18=) 

5    Rachel Emmerson               OD   M   1865-1   37:31    4:36(11)     9:36(4)     11:42(4)     14:02(4)     16:08(4)     19:25(4)     27:12(5)     28:05(5)     29:39(5)     32:40(5)     34:16(5)     36:25(5)     36:57(5)     37:31(5)   
     ODe to Joy                                               4:36(11)     5:00(3)      2:06(9)      2:20(9)      2:06(6)      3:17(3)      7:47(13)     0:53(5)      1:34(3)      3:01(4=)     1:36(3)      2:09(7)      0:32(11)     0:34(14)  

6    Jenny Bradley               WCOC   M   1869-3   41:13    4:14(8)     11:42(11)    13:40(11)    16:12(10)    18:45(9)     22:44(9)     30:02(8)     30:58(7)     32:57(7)     36:18(7)     37:58(7)     40:28(7)     40:55(7)     41:13(6)   
     WCOC 2                                                   4:14(8)      7:28(14)     1:58(5)      2:32(10)     2:33(14)     3:59(9)      7:18(8=)     0:56(6=)     1:59(13=)    3:21(8)      1:40(4)      2:30(13)     0:27(3=)     0:18(1)   

7    Katherine Bett                SN   D    311-2   41:23    4:35(10)    10:49(9)     13:14(9)     15:22(8)     17:29(7)     21:29(7)     28:48(6)     29:54(6)     31:51(6)     35:43(6)     37:38(6)     40:18(6)     40:43(6)     41:23(7)   
     SNow Finches                                             4:35(10)     6:14(8)      2:25(16=)    2:08(6)      2:07(7)      4:00(10)     7:19(10)     1:06(11)     1:57(11=)    3:52(15)     1:55(9=)     2:40(17)     0:25(2)      0:40(18=) 

8    Yasmin Field                 SYO   M   1868-2   41:38    4:23(9)     13:08(14=)   16:05(15)    17:56(12)    19:58(12)    23:37(10)    30:09(9)     31:01(8)     33:12(9)     36:27(8)     38:10(8)     40:30(8)     41:05(8)     41:38(8)   
     SYO14                                                    4:23(9)      8:45(20)     2:57(19)     1:51(4)      2:02(5)      3:39(7)      6:32(4)      0:52(4)      2:11(16)     3:15(6=)     1:43(5)      2:20(10)     0:35(14=)    0:33(13)  

9    Nicola Morris               SLOW   D    310-2   42:06    3:40(2=)    10:48(8)     13:13(8)     15:01(6)     17:11(6)     22:09(8)     29:55(7)     31:07(9)     33:06(8)     36:35(9)     38:22(9)     40:45(9)     41:22(9)     42:06(9)   
     SLOW WS2                                                 3:40(2=)     7:08(13)     2:25(16=)    1:48(3)      2:10(8)      4:58(18)     7:46(12)     1:12(14=)    1:59(13=)    3:29(12)     1:47(7)      2:23(11)     0:37(17)     0:44(23)  

10   Jackie Chapman               LOC   H   5069-1   42:35    4:48(13)    10:30(7)     12:33(7)     15:12(7)     17:33(8)     21:02(6)     30:15(10)    31:28(10)    33:20(10)    36:52(10)    39:03(10)    41:21(10)    41:57(10)    42:35(10)  
     LOC Dollywaggon                                          4:48(13)     5:42(5)      2:03(6=)     2:39(12)     2:21(11)     3:29(5)      9:13(21)     1:13(16)     1:52(9)      3:32(13)     2:11(18=)    2:18(9)      0:36(16)     0:38(17)  

11   Abigail Bateman               SN   M   1867-2   43:44    4:49(14)    11:24(10)    13:27(10)    16:10(9)     19:33(10)    24:05(11)    30:57(11)    31:58(11)    33:54(11)    38:04(11)    39:59(11)    42:40(11)    43:07(11)    43:44(11)  
     SNow Flakes                                              4:49(14)     6:35(10)     2:03(6=)     2:43(13)     3:23(22)     4:32(13)     6:52(7)      1:01(10)     1:56(10)     4:10(19)     1:55(9=)     2:41(18)     0:27(3=)     0:37(15=) 

12   Christine Robinson          SLOW   H   5071-2   46:52    6:26(22)    13:27(17)    15:30(13)    18:25(13)    20:49(13)    25:56(12)    33:14(12)    34:21(12)    36:33(12)    40:24(12)    42:19(12)    45:16(12)    46:04(12)    46:52(12)  
     SLOW W50                                                 6:26(22)     7:01(11)     2:03(6=)     2:55(19)     2:24(12)     5:07(19=)    7:18(8=)     1:07(12)     2:12(17)     3:51(14)     1:55(9=)     2:57(21)     0:48(24)     0:48(25)  

13   Pauline Ward                 DVO   K   6061-2   49:14    5:38(18)    16:02(22)    18:20(21)    20:38(16)    23:17(16)    27:34(13)    35:02(13)    36:21(13)    38:40(13)    43:03(13)    45:12(13)    47:49(13)    48:27(13)    49:14(13)  
     DVOctopusses                                             5:38(18)    10:24(23)     2:18(13)     2:18(8)      2:39(16)     4:17(12)     7:28(11)     1:19(19)     2:19(20)     4:23(21)     2:09(16)     2:37(15)     0:38(18)     0:47(24)  

14   Jo Foster                    BOK   D    302-2   51:27    4:11(5)     19:57(25)    21:49(24)    26:21(25)    29:15(24)    33:21(23)    40:07(18)    41:07(18)    42:58(19)    46:20(15)    48:18(15)    50:20(14)    50:50(14)    51:27(14)  
     BOK H                                                    4:11(5)     15:46(25)     1:52(4)      4:32(25)     2:54(18)     4:06(11)     6:46(6)      1:00(9)      1:51(8)      3:22(9)      1:58(13)     2:02(3)      0:30(7=)     0:37(15=) 

15   Tracy Craig                  WCH   D    319-2   52:08    4:52(15)    12:35(12)    17:52(18)    20:57(17)    25:00(19)    30:07(19)    38:42(16)    39:57(16)    42:00(14=)   46:03(14)    48:13(14)    50:52(15)    51:26(15)    52:08(15)  
     Vodka Chasers                                            4:52(15)     7:43(16)     5:17(25)     3:05(21)     4:03(23)     5:07(19=)    8:35(15)     1:15(17)     2:03(15)     4:03(18)     2:10(17)     2:39(16)     0:34(13)     0:42(22)  

16   Gemma Cairns-Smith           WCH   D    318-3   53:02    6:46(23)    13:13(16)    23:11(25)    26:00(24)    28:31(23)    32:26(21)    40:15(19)    41:11(19)    42:56(18)    46:56(17)    49:27(17)    52:14(18)    52:41(16)    53:02(16)  
     Chasing a Hero                                           6:46(23)     6:27(9)      9:58(26)     2:49(16=)    2:31(13)     3:55(8)      7:49(14)     0:56(6=)     1:45(6)      4:00(17)     2:31(22)     2:47(19)     0:27(3=)     0:21(3=)  

17   Karen Jones                 SLOW   D    309-3   53:12    4:13(7)     10:04(5)     12:26(5)     21:42(21)    23:22(17)    28:58(15)    42:08(21)    43:19(21)    45:03(21)    48:18(20)    50:12(20)    52:19(19)    52:50(17=)   53:12(17)  
     SLOW WS                                                  4:13(7)      5:51(6)      2:22(15)     9:16(26)     1:40(2)      5:36(22)    13:10(24)     1:11(13)     1:44(5)      3:15(6=)     1:54(8)      2:07(5)      0:31(9=)     0:22(5=)  

18   Jenn Hudd                    BOK   D    303-3   53:17    5:13(17)    13:08(14=)   15:37(14)    18:34(14)    21:55(14)    29:37(16)    38:22(15)    39:42(15)    42:00(14=)   46:43(16)    48:59(16)    52:13(17)    52:53(19)    53:17(18)  
     BOK Breeze                                               5:13(17)     7:55(18)     2:29(18)     2:57(20)     3:21(21)     7:42(24)     8:45(18)     1:20(20)     2:18(19)     4:43(24)     2:16(20)     3:14(26)     0:40(20=)    0:24(8)   

19   Sue Hands                    WIM   D    320-2   53:31    5:07(16)    12:41(13)    14:48(12)    17:33(11)    19:53(11)    29:41(17)    38:46(17)    40:42(17)    42:55(17)    47:12(19)    49:38(18)    52:11(16)    52:50(17=)   53:31(19)  
     WIM 4                                                    5:07(16)     7:34(15)     2:07(10)     2:45(14)     2:20(10)     9:48(25)     9:05(20)     1:56(24=)    2:13(18)     4:17(20)     2:26(21)     2:33(14)     0:39(19)     0:41(21)  

20   Jenny Collyer                SOS   H   5073-3   57:35    6:58(25)    16:14(23)    19:20(22)    22:08(22)    27:12(21)    32:05(20)    41:07(20)    42:33(20)    45:01(20)    50:02(21)    53:27(21)    56:23(21)    57:09(21)    57:35(21)  
     SOS 5                                                    6:58(25)     9:16(22)     3:06(22)     2:48(15)     5:04(24)     4:53(15)     9:02(19)     1:26(21)     2:28(23)     5:01(25)     3:25(26)     2:56(20)     0:46(22=)    0:26(9=)  

21   Jean Fitzgerald              SAX   D    308-1   58:49    6:10(20)    15:10(21)    18:08(19)    21:21(20)    24:33(18)    29:51(18)    43:04(22)    44:40(22)    47:02(22)    51:30(22)    54:09(22)    57:19(22)    58:09(22)    58:49(22)  
     SAX Treasure                                             6:10(20)     9:00(21)     2:58(20)     3:13(22)     3:12(20)     5:18(21)    13:13(25)     1:36(22=)    2:22(22)     4:28(22)     2:39(24)     3:10(25)     0:50(26)     0:40(18=) 

22   Tina Stratford               WSX   D    321-3   61:06    6:55(24)    14:02(18)    17:04(17)    21:00(18)    28:22(22)    33:08(22)    48:19(25)    49:31(25)    51:52(24)    55:49(23)    57:45(23)    60:14(23)    60:45(23)    61:06(23)  
     WESSEX WARBLERS                                          6:55(24)     7:07(12)     3:02(21)     3:56(24)     7:22(25)     4:46(14)    15:11(26)     1:12(14=)    2:21(21)     3:57(16)     1:56(12)     2:29(12)     0:31(9=)     0:21(3=)  

23   Christine Artus              BKO   H   5061-3   61:42    7:39(26)    18:17(24)    21:31(23)    24:21(23)    27:04(20)    39:31(25)    48:09(24)    49:27(24)    52:55(25)    56:18(24)    58:26(24)    60:40(24)    61:20(24)    61:42(24)  
     BKOause we can                                           7:39(26)    10:38(24)     3:14(23)     2:50(18)     2:43(17)    12:27(26)     8:38(16)     1:18(18)     3:28(25)     3:23(10)     2:08(15)     2:14(8)      0:40(20=)    0:22(5=)  

24   Rae Lomas                   MDOC   K   6063-3   66:16    5:56(19)    14:25(20)    18:12(20)    21:01(19)    30:21(25)    35:17(24)    43:56(23)    45:52(23)    49:59(23)    59:26(25)    62:02(25)    65:01(25)    65:50(25)    66:16(25)  
     MDOC MISS-BELIEF                                         5:56(19)     8:29(19)     3:47(24)     2:49(16=)    9:20(26)     4:56(17)     8:39(17)     1:56(24=)    4:07(26)     9:27(26)     2:36(23)     2:59(22)     0:49(25)     0:26(9=)  

25   Caroline Potter              BOK   H   5063-2   68:50    4:41(12)    30:02(26)    32:15(26)    34:51(26)    37:29(26)    44:50(26)    54:58(26)    57:09(26)    59:06(26)    62:34(26)    64:45(26)    67:48(26)    68:18(26)    68:50(26)  
     BOK K                                                    4:41(12)    25:21(26)     2:13(12)     2:36(11)     2:38(15)     7:21(23)    10:08(22)     2:11(26)     1:57(11=)    3:28(11)     2:11(18=)    3:03(23=)    0:30(7=)     0:32(12)  

n/c  Judy Burge                   LOC   K   6062-2   54:23    6:25(21)    14:09(19)    16:28(16)    20:00(15)    22:55(15)    27:50(14)    38:05(14)    39:41(14)    42:20(16)    47:02(18)    49:43(19)    52:46(20)    53:32(20)    54:23(20)  
     LOC Catstycam                                            6:25(21)     7:44(17)     2:19(14)     3:32(23)     2:55(19)     4:55(16)    10:15(23)     1:36(22=)    2:39(24)     4:42(23)     2:41(25)     3:03(23=)    0:46(22=)    0:51(26)  

Return to Top, relay index. Goto relay D Women's Short, H W50, K W60, M W18, or course E-AA, E-AB, E-AC, E-BB, E-BC, E-CA, E-CB, E-CC

Results service provided by MERCS.