Return to relay index. Goto relay D Women's Short, H Veteran Women, O Ultra Vets M/W 210+, or course 4-2A, 4-2B, 4-2C, 4-AA, 4-AB, 4-BA, 4-BB, 4-CB

Results for Course 4-CA
Length 3.7km, 115m climb, 15 controls

Pos  Name                         Club Relay Bib-Lap   Time    1[113]       2[163]       3[102]       4[172]       5[101]       6[179]       7[191]       8[195]       9[177]      10[129]      11[120]      12[187]      13[182]      14[196]      15[200]      Finish
1    Karen Poole                    SO   D   4007-1   22:41    1:58(1)      3:16(1)      5:17(1)      6:17(1)      8:47(1)      9:55(1)     12:05(1)     13:31(1)     14:21(1)     16:50(1)     18:05(1)     18:55(1)     19:54(1)     21:03(1)     22:01(1)     22:41(1)   
     Team Solicitious                                          1:58(1)      1:18(1)      2:01(1)      1:00(1)      2:30(1)      1:08(1)      2:10(1)      1:26(1)      0:50(1)      2:29(1)      1:15(1)      0:50(1)      0:59(1)      1:09(1)      0:58(6=)     0:40(1)   

2    Lucy Thraves                   SO   D   4034-1   26:51    2:01(2)      3:21(2)      5:47(2)      6:52(2)      9:35(2)     10:49(2)     13:28(2)     15:29(3)     16:27(3)     19:16(2)     21:30(3)     22:29(3)     23:37(3)     25:05(2)     25:59(2)     26:51(2)   
     Team Sonorous                                             2:01(2)      1:20(2)      2:26(3)      1:05(2=)     2:43(2)      1:14(2)      2:39(4=)     2:01(13)     0:58(5)      2:49(2)      2:14(14)     0:59(6)      1:08(3)      1:28(5=)     0:54(2)      0:52(10=) 

3    Ali High                       SO   D   4032-3   27:59    2:05(4)      3:29(3)      7:01(7)      8:13(6)     11:18(6)     12:39(5)     15:18(5)     17:00(5)     17:56(4)     20:50(4)     22:27(4)     23:24(4)     24:34(4)     26:08(3)     27:06(3)     27:59(3)   
     Team Sobriety                                             2:05(4)      1:24(4)      3:32(12=)    1:12(4)      3:05(4=)     1:21(5)      2:39(4=)     1:42(3)      0:56(2=)     2:54(3)      1:37(3)      0:57(2)      1:10(4)      1:34(11)     0:58(6=)     0:53(12=) 

4    Rebekah Beadle                LOC   H   4108-3   30:15    2:07(5)      3:38(5)      6:16(4)      7:32(4)     11:07(5)     12:54(6)     15:21(6)     17:10(6)     18:38(5)     21:56(5)     24:50(5=)    25:48(5=)    27:00(5)     28:32(5)     29:24(5)     30:15(5)   
     LOC Catstycam                                             2:07(5)      1:31(5)      2:38(5)      1:16(5=)     3:35(10=)    1:47(16)     2:27(3)      1:49(8)      1:28(19)     3:18(5)      2:54(17=)    0:58(3=)     1:12(5)      1:32(9)      0:52(1)      0:51(8=)  

5    Karyn Burns                    SN   D   4006-3   30:32    2:02(3)      3:44(6)      6:19(5)      7:35(5)     10:40(4)     12:22(4)     15:09(4)     16:52(4)     19:03(6)     23:11(7)     24:50(5=)    25:48(5=)    27:06(6)     28:50(6)     29:47(6)     30:32(6)   
     SNow Finches                                              2:02(3)      1:42(8=)     2:35(4)      1:16(5=)     3:05(4=)     1:42(12=)    2:47(6)      1:43(4)      2:11(22)     4:08(14=)    1:39(5)      0:58(3=)     1:18(7)      1:44(13)     0:57(5)      0:45(2)   

6    Helena Nolan                 ESOC   H   4107-1   32:31    2:52(13)     4:42(11)     9:04(16)    10:22(15)    13:42(12)    15:38(12)    18:43(12)    20:41(12)    21:43(12)    25:22(11)    26:55(10)    28:00(10)    29:17(7)     30:38(7)     31:34(7)     32:31(7)   
     Kestrels                                                  2:52(13)     1:50(12)     4:22(19)     1:18(7)      3:20(6)      1:56(17)     3:05(8)      1:58(12)     1:02(6=)     3:39(8)      1:33(2)      1:05(8)      1:17(6)      1:21(3)      0:56(4)      0:57(16)  

7    Christine Kiddier              GO   H   4106-3   32:52    2:39(10=)    5:27(17)     8:16(11)    10:12(13)    13:41(11)    15:10(11)    18:20(10)    20:15(10)    21:23(10)    24:51(9=)    26:35(7)     27:45(7)     29:32(10)    31:00(9)     31:59(9)     32:52(8)   
     GO Ladies                                                 2:39(10=)    2:48(19)     2:49(6)      1:56(16)     3:29(8=)     1:29(7)      3:10(10)     1:55(10)     1:08(9)      3:28(6)      1:44(6)      1:10(10)     1:47(19)     1:28(5=)     0:59(9=)     0:53(12=) 

8    Sarah Howes                   SAX   H   4118-3   32:54    2:42(12)     4:19(8)      7:53(9)     10:01(11)    13:36(10)    15:02(10)    18:10(9)     19:58(9)     21:00(9)     24:51(9=)    26:40(9)     27:51(8)     29:21(8)     30:52(8)     31:58(8)     32:54(9)   
     Sax Striders                                              2:42(12)     1:37(6)      3:34(14)     2:08(19)     3:35(10=)    1:26(6)      3:08(9)      1:48(7)      1:02(6=)     3:51(11)     1:49(7)      1:11(11=)    1:30(9)      1:31(8)      1:06(14)     0:56(15)  

9    Ian Peirce                  SARUM   O   4218-3   32:55    2:39(10=)    4:20(9)      7:52(8)      9:18(8)     13:00(8)     14:34(8)     17:33(8)     19:27(8)     20:36(8)     24:44(8)     26:36(8)     27:53(9)     29:28(9)     31:04(10)    32:09(10)    32:55(10)  
     Sarum Swingers                                            2:39(10=)    1:41(7)      3:32(12=)    1:26(11)     3:42(13)     1:34(8)      2:59(7)      1:54(9)      1:09(10)     4:08(14=)    1:52(8)      1:17(14=)    1:35(13)     1:36(12)     1:05(13)     0:46(3)   

10   Karen Jones                  SLOW   D   4030-3   33:14    2:23(7)      4:05(7)      7:00(6)      8:22(7)     11:57(7)     13:16(7)     16:32(7)     18:18(7)     19:14(7)     23:03(6)     27:15(11)    28:22(11)    29:56(11)    31:23(11)    32:25(11)    33:14(11)  
     SLOW WS2                                                  2:23(7)      1:42(8=)     2:55(7)      1:22(8)      3:35(10=)    1:19(4)      3:16(11)     1:46(5)      0:56(2=)     3:49(10)     4:12(21)     1:07(9)      1:34(12)     1:27(4)      1:02(12)     0:49(5=)  

11   Kathy Haynes                 SLOW   H   4119-1   35:56    3:14(19)     5:20(16)     8:42(14)    10:11(12)    14:12(13)    15:54(13)    19:26(13)    21:55(13)    23:15(13)    27:12(13)    29:20(13)    30:31(13)    32:09(13)    33:42(12)    34:54(12)    35:56(12)  
     SLOW W165b                                                3:14(19)     2:06(15)     3:22(9)      1:29(13)     4:01(15)     1:42(12=)    3:32(12)     2:29(18)     1:20(16)     3:57(12)     2:08(13)     1:11(11=)    1:38(14=)    1:33(10)     1:12(15)     1:02(19)  

12   Janice Nisbet                ESOC   O   4210-1   36:03    3:05(16)     4:51(12)     8:18(12)     9:42(10)    13:09(9)     14:47(9)     18:33(11)    20:20(11)    21:31(11)    26:14(12)    28:41(12)    30:11(12)    31:42(12)    34:11(13)    35:11(13)    36:03(13)  
     Ptarmigans                                                3:05(16)     1:46(10)     3:27(11)     1:24(9)      3:27(7)      1:38(9=)     3:46(14)     1:47(6)      1:11(11)     4:43(17)     2:27(16)     1:30(18)     1:31(10=)    2:29(22)     1:00(11)     0:52(10=) 

13   Sacha Fisher                 SMOC   D   4031-1   36:13    2:59(14=)    4:52(13)    10:01(17)    12:33(19)    16:02(17)    17:44(16)    21:54(16)    23:51(16)    25:04(16)    28:38(15)    30:31(15)    31:42(15)    33:03(14)    34:16(14)    35:14(14)    36:13(14)  
     SMOC Lionesses                                            2:59(14=)    1:53(13)     5:09(21)     2:32(21)     3:29(8=)     1:42(12=)    4:10(16=)    1:57(11)     1:13(12)     3:34(7)      1:53(9)      1:11(11=)    1:21(8)      1:13(2)      0:58(6=)     0:59(17)  

14   John Collyer                  SOS   O   4222-1   37:37    3:20(20)     5:08(14)     8:15(10)     9:40(9)     14:39(15)    16:17(14)    20:04(14)    22:16(14)    23:34(14)    27:18(14)    30:12(14)    31:29(14)    33:14(15)    35:04(15)    36:26(15)    37:37(15)  
     SOS HATFIELD                                              3:20(20)     1:48(11)     3:07(8)      1:25(10)     4:59(19)     1:38(9=)     3:47(15)     2:12(16)     1:18(14)     3:44(9)      2:54(17=)    1:17(14=)    1:45(18)     1:50(15=)    1:22(17)     1:11(21=) 

15   Amy Kimberley                 DVO   D   4019-1   39:10    2:34(9)      5:13(15)     8:37(13)    10:14(14)    14:19(14)    16:20(15)    20:33(15)    23:26(15)    24:45(15)    29:46(16)    31:49(16)    33:34(16)    35:12(16)    36:57(16)    38:21(16)    39:10(16)  
     DVOompaloompas                                            2:34(9)      2:39(18)     3:24(10)     1:37(14)     4:05(16)     2:01(18)     4:13(18)     2:53(22)     1:19(15)     5:01(21)     2:03(11=)    1:45(21)     1:38(14=)    1:45(14)     1:24(18=)    0:49(5=)  

16   Mary Nixon                    SOC   O   4206-3   41:05    2:59(14=)    6:30(19)    10:11(18)    11:58(17)    17:21(18)    19:06(17)    23:16(17)    25:48(17)    27:11(17)    31:59(17)    34:01(17)    35:22(17)    37:00(17)    38:50(17)    40:10(17)    41:05(17)  
     The Sock Wars                                             2:59(14=)    3:31(20)     3:41(15)     1:47(15)     5:23(22)     1:45(15)     4:10(16=)    2:32(19)     1:23(18)     4:48(20)     2:02(10)     1:21(16)     1:38(14=)    1:50(15=)    1:20(16)     0:55(14)  

17   Mike Solomon                  SAX   O   4220-3   43:31    2:26(8)      4:23(10)     8:44(15)    10:43(16)    15:48(16)    20:50(20)    25:55(21)    28:10(20)    29:32(20)    34:16(18)    36:19(18)    37:43(18)    39:26(18)    41:19(18)    42:43(18)    43:31(18)  
     Sax Ultra Secret                                          2:26(8)      1:57(14)     4:21(18)     1:59(17)     5:05(21)     5:02(23)     5:05(23)     2:15(17)     1:22(17)     4:44(18)     2:03(11=)    1:24(17)     1:43(17)     1:53(17)     1:24(18=)    0:48(4)   

18   Ann-Marie Duckworth           DVO   D   4018-3   48:35    4:25(24)     6:40(20)    10:45(20)    14:21(20)    19:02(21)    21:32(21)    25:50(20)    28:36(21)    32:25(21)    36:57(20)    40:09(19)    41:55(19)    43:51(19)    45:56(19)    47:24(19)    48:35(19)  
     DVOTT                                                     4:25(24)     2:15(16)     4:05(16)     3:36(22)     4:41(18)     2:30(20)     4:18(21)     2:46(21)     3:49(23)     4:32(16)     3:12(19)     1:46(22)     1:56(21=)    2:05(20)     1:28(21)     1:11(21=) 

19   Zoe Gordon                    DVO   D   4020-3   51:41    3:10(18)     7:32(21)    14:11(22)    17:56(23)    23:36(23)    25:50(22)    29:32(22)    31:34(22)    32:51(22)    36:54(19)    41:44(20)    45:35(20)    47:25(20)    49:26(20)    50:50(20)    51:41(20)  
     DVOutliers                                                3:10(18)     4:22(21)     6:39(24)     3:45(23)     5:40(23)     2:14(19)     3:42(13)     2:02(14)     1:17(13)     4:03(13)     4:50(22)     3:51(24)     1:50(20)     2:01(19)     1:24(18=)    0:51(8=)  

20   Debb Bouch                    BKO   H   4110-1   53:17    3:44(22)    10:17(24)    15:28(24)    17:47(22)    22:17(22)    28:09(23)    32:41(23)    35:14(23)    37:00(23)    41:45(22)    44:06(21)    45:46(21)    47:42(21)    49:38(21)    51:51(21)    53:17(21)  
     BKrafty                                                   3:44(22)     6:33(24)     5:11(22)     2:19(20)     4:30(17)     5:52(24)     4:32(22)     2:33(20)     1:46(21)     4:45(19)     2:21(15)     1:40(19=)    1:56(21=)    1:56(18)     2:13(24)     1:26(23)  

21   Dick Whitworth                 BL   O   4208-3   53:57    3:34(21)     6:03(18)    10:16(19)    12:20(18)    17:23(19)    20:23(19)    24:37(19)    27:32(19)    29:14(19)    38:13(21)    45:22(22)    47:02(22)    49:03(22)    51:11(22)    52:48(22)    53:57(22)  
     BLot                                                      3:34(21)     2:29(17)     4:13(17)     2:04(18)     5:03(20)     3:00(21)     4:14(19)     2:55(23)     1:42(20)     8:59(23)     7:09(23)     1:40(19=)    2:01(23)     2:08(21)     1:37(22)     1:09(20)  

22   Richard Thornton            SARUM   O   4219-1   77:16    4:02(23)     8:53(23)    14:46(23)    23:39(24)    29:33(24)    33:40(24)    44:06(24)    47:40(24)    52:27(24)    61:09(23)    64:57(23)    67:28(23)    70:35(23)    73:43(23)    75:44(23)    77:16(23)  
     Sarum Stardust                                            4:02(23)     4:51(22)     5:53(23)     8:53(24)     5:54(24)     4:07(22)    10:26(24)     3:34(24)     4:47(24)     8:42(22)     3:48(20)     2:31(23)     3:07(24)     3:08(23)     2:01(23)     1:32(24)  

n/c  Andy Lewsley                   BL   O   4207-1   29:56    2:15(6)      3:36(4)      5:57(3)      7:02(3)     10:00(3)     11:15(3)     13:39(3)     15:15(2)     16:11(2)     19:27(3)     21:05(2)     22:03(2)     23:10(2)     28:01(4)     28:56(4)     29:56(4)   
     BLinkers                                                  2:15(6)      1:21(3)      2:21(2)      1:05(2=)     2:58(3)      1:15(3)      2:24(2)      1:36(2)      0:56(2=)     3:16(4)      1:38(4)      0:58(3=)     1:07(2)      4:51(24)     0:55(3)      1:00(18)  

dsq  Mel Bradley                  WCOC   D   4008-3   40:00    3:08(17)     8:51(22)    13:23(21)    14:51(21)    18:34(20)    20:13(18)    24:30(18)    26:37(18)    27:42(18)      ---        34:13        35:13        36:44        38:12        39:11        40:00      
     WCOC 3                                                    3:08(17)     5:43(23)     4:32(20)     1:28(12)     3:43(14)     1:39(11)     4:17(20)     2:07(15)     1:05(8)       ---         6:31         1:00(7)      1:31(10=)    1:28(5=)     0:59(9=)     0:49(5=)  

Return to Top, relay index. Goto relay D Women's Short, H Veteran Women, O Ultra Vets M/W 210+, or course 4-2A, 4-2B, 4-2C, 4-AA, 4-AB, 4-BA, 4-BB, 4-CB

Results service provided by MERCS.