Results for Harvester Trophy 2004, Pippingford Park, 16/05/2004

Wednesday 5pm added (final results document).
Wednesday 3pm downloaded dibber for SLOW A's last lap runner. I've updated relay and course results, and the downloadable file, accordingly. I've not updated Winsplits on-line or Splits Browser or Special Reduced Courses.
Saturday added Organiser's comments and Lost and Found Property.
Noon Tuesday added
Sunrise information and Special reduced courses.
Tuesday added Controller's comments.
Monday added Planner's comments.
5pm Sunday link to Winsplits and Splits Browser added and links to splits for the "12xxx" courses corrected. I have been experiencing intermittent connectivity to my web site since about 4pm. If you've had problems getting to this page you are not alone.
10:30am Sunday full results uploaded. Team 10 SLOW A last lap runner failed to download but they finished in a total time of 8:38:50.
8am Sunday intermediate results set created and uploaded (leaders in but race for lower places still in progress).

For Comments select comments
For Winsplits on-line select Split times
For SplitsBrowser select Splits Browser
For downloadable files select Results file ( Zip archive containing results.doc, the final results document in Word, or Download file ( Zip archive containing winsplit.csv, a SPORTIdent CSV file of splits suitable for import into WinSplits, and and, TAB separated text files containing team results and course splits suitable to be opened by Excel.
For Photo Gallery see MV Home Page

Relay Courses
A Relay A 12APX, 12APY, 12AQX, 12BPX, 12BQX, 5AX, 5AY, 5BX, 5BY, 7AX, 7AY, 7BX, 7BY, 9APX, 9APY, 9AQX, 9AQY, 9BPX, 9BPY, 9BQX
B Relay B 4AY, 5AX, 5AY, 5BX, 5BY, 7AX, 7AY, 7BX, 7BY

Sunrise was at 5.07am at which time Relay A where 4 hours 37 minutes into their race. The first seven teams on Lap 4 had handed over before sunrise: the leading team at 4.10am. Relay B where 3 hours 22 minutes into their race. The first sixteen teams on Lap 3 handed over before sunrise: the leading team at 4.26am.

It was probably light enough to read the map without a headlamp by around 4.40am if not earlier. That would mean that only the first three teams on Relay A (7, 16 and 9) started Lap 5 and the first two teams on Relay B (122 and 102) started Lap 4 needing headlamps albeit for only a short time for some of them. I would appreciate it if the runners on these teams/laps could confirm whether or not they needed headlamps at the start of their run.

Special reduced courses. Below are special 5, 7, 9 and 12km results ignoring the gaffled options. The course length between gaffled options are not much different. I have defined new control sites as shown in the table below. If your course has one of the "Original codes" it will appear in the reduced course results as the "New code".

New code Original codes
59 212, 214
70 148, 208
73 226, 243
76 123, 200
90 110, 234
91 147, 231
92 101, 222
Relay Reduced Courses
A Relay A 12, 5, 7, 9
B Relay B 4, 5, 7

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Any queries, errors, or omissions should in the first instance be addressed to Michael Napier tel 0115 928 9663

Results service provided by MERCS.