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Results for Class W60
Length 1.5km, 10m climb, 14 controls (course 12)

  1  Christine Kiddier        GO     GBR  12:07   8.1 m/km
  2  Sarah Brown              SLOW   GBR  12:33   8.4
  3  Kari Pedersen            ILTyrv NOR  12:51   8.6
  4  Susan Roome              SROC   GBR  13:50   9.2
  5  Janice Nisbet            ESOC   GBR  14:14   9.5
  6  Gill Manning             SWOC   GBR  14:40   9.8
  7  Inara Gipsle             TVOC   GBR  14:43   9.8
  8  Hazel Waters             WCH    GBR  14:46   9.8
  9  Ingrid E Ström           TABY   SWE  14:47   9.9
 10  Miriam Rosen             SROC   GBR  14:49   9.9
 11  Susan Stevens            AIRE   GBR  15:04  10.0
 12  Christine King           BOK    GBR  15:05  10.1
 13  Mary Williams            ESOC   GBR  15:10  10.1
 14  Jillyan Dobby            MDOC   GBR  15:16  10.2
 15  Glenys Ferguson          SROC   GBR  16:02  10.7
 16  Lesley Brown             HOC    GBR  16:33  11.0
 17  Mary Nixon               SOC    GBR  16:43  11.1
 18  Jean Payne               DEE    GBR  16:47  11.2
 19  Birgit Olsen             THOK   DEN  16:50  11.2
 20  Heather Brown            SAX    GBR  16:52  11.2
 21  Barbara Foley-Fisher     MNAV   IRL  17:10  11.4
 22  Liz Drew                 HH     GBR  17:11  11.5
 23  Helena Burrows           LOC    GBR  17:16  11.5
 24  Anne May                 SLOW   GBR  18:00  12.0
 25  Trina Rogerson           ELO    GBR  18:05  12.1
 26  Val Finch                FVO    GBR  18:23  12.3
 27  Fiona Findlay            ESOC   GBR  18:29  12.3
 28  Susan Findlay-Robinson   WCH    GBR  18:55  12.6
 29  Margaret Dearman         MOR    GBR  19:16  12.8
 30  Judith Guillaume         SYO    GBR  19:20  12.9
 31  Hazel Bickle             WAOC   GBR  20:16  13.5
 32  Lynn Branford            WIM    GBR  20:20  13.6
 33  Jean Fitzgerald          SAX    GBR  20:21  13.6
 34  Heather Forrest          BOK    GBR  20:23  13.6
 35  Kate Bryant              MDOC   GBR  20:54  13.9
 36  Margaret Willdig         OD     GBR  22:16  14.8
 37  Mary Carrick             HALO   GBR  23:32  15.7
 38  Nancy Powell Davies      SOS    GBR  23:49  15.9
 39  Frances Goldingay        HH     GBR  26:03  17.4
 40  Janet Todd               EBOR   GBR  26:47  17.9
 41  Sally Collins            BKO    GBR  26:50  17.9
 42  Sue Pearson              SO     GBR  29:03  19.4
 43  Rosalind Taunton         NGOC   GBR  30:05  20.1
 44  Alison Doyle             MDOC   GBR  34:53  23.3
mp   Judith Holt              DVO    GBR  14:32      
mp   Christine Vince          KERNO  GBR  21:35      
mp   Susan Roberts            HOC    GBR  38:48      
     Hilary Forbes            TVOC   GBR  dnf        

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