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Goto previous class M75S, next class M85, classes on course 22: M75L, M80, M85, M65S, W70L, W20S, W18S, W21V, W45S, W50S
Splits for course 22

Results for Class M80
Length 5.4km, 160m climb, 18 controls (course 22)

  1  Roger Baker              TVOC   GBR  57:50  10.7 m/km
  2  David Parkin             DVO    GBR  59:41  11.1
  3  John Spence              TVOC   GBR  67:26  12.5
  4  Donald Moir              LEI    GBR  74:28  13.8
  5  Richard Arman            WSX    GBR  78:36  14.6
  6  Mike Gammon              SO     GBR  81:22  15.1
  7  Brian Watkins            TVOC   GBR  97:27  18.0
  8  Macarthur Gollifer       SN     GBR  97:34  18.1
  9  Roy Malley               NATO   GBR 101:22  18.8
 10  John Grenfell            BOK    GBR 133:09  24.7
 11  Bernard Potter           TVOC   GBR 137:21  25.4
     Peter Seward             SBOC   GBR  rtd        

Return to Top, class index.
Goto previous class M75S, next class M85, classes on course 22: M75L, M80, M85, M65S, W70L, W20S, W18S, W21V, W45S, W50S
Splits for course 22

Results service provided by MERCS.