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Goto previous class W75, next class W85, classes on course 13: M12, W12, M75, M80, M85, W65, W70, W75, W80, W85
Splits for course 13

Results for Class W80
Length 1.4km, 10m climb, 13 controls (course 13)

  1  Eileen Bedwell           CLOK   GBR  26:52  19.2 m/km
  2  Anne Power               LOK    GBR  27:05  19.3
  3  Pat Grenfell             BOK    GBR  28:11  20.1
  4  Anne Donnell             BOK    GBR  28:19  20.2
     Audrey Geere             TVOC   GBR  rtd        

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